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The blonde girl gulped very slowly as she gazed up at the bunny hybrid straddling her. It seems the tables have been turned against her.

"Jung-mhm!" Lisa's voice was muffled when Jungkook pressed his soft, thin lips on her, effectively shutting her up.

At first, she didn't respond and stared wide eyes but gradually melted against his gentle movement. Lisa slowly closed her eyes and kissed him back. She brought her hands closer to him and rested them against his bare chest and rubbed them, feeling his pectoral muscles move under her palms.

Jungkook groaned at the gesture and kissed her harder this time. Butterflies erupt in his stomach. He cradled her face in his big hands and caressed her cheeks with his thumbs.

He tasted like chocolate, blue berries and milk for some reason. She wonders why...

Once they were almost out of breath, did they pull away. Jungkook leaned down and nuzzled her neck, taking in her addicting scent of lilies. He sighed in delight, and his breath blows against her skin and makes her shiver.

Jungkook's hands left her face and wrapped it around her waist to switch their position. He didn't want to put his weight on her and crush her.

Lisa sat on his lap and blushed shyly.

Jungkook smiled cheekily and was almost successful in making her forget about all the mess he had caused.


Lisa's delirious bubble popped when her eyes fell on the messy kitchen counter. She narrowed her eyes again and looked sharply at the man in front of her, all the shyness gone. Her hands that were resting on his shoulder tightened her hold on him, making him nervous.

"Nice try to make me forget about the trouble." She sassed.

"But...but..." she placed one dainty finger on his lips to silence him. He stared at her, blinking in surprise.

"No buts, your sweet kisses and flirtatious attempts won't save your cute ass from cleaning the kitchen." She told him and took hold of his cheeks.

She squeezed them together, making him pout even more. "Fine..." he mumbled with his pouty lips. So adorable!

"Now that's my good bunny!" She patts his fluffy head and stood up from his lap. His long ears betrayed him when they expressed how much he loved it when Lisa called him her bunny.

Jungkook grumbles unhappily when she goes to her room, leaving him to do all the work.

After almost an hour of cleaning, the brunet was done, making the kitchen look as tidy as best as he could.

Lisa watched him over the living room and had a satisfied smile on her face. She giggled, seeing him huffing in annoyance and swiping away the small amount of cream from his forehead. It wasn't tiring but that doesn't mean he likes doing it.

My Bunnicula ♥︎Liskook♥︎Where stories live. Discover now