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The two girls were so immersed in their conversation that they didn't realize that the two hybrid men had gone ahead of them.

"Where could they have gone to?" Lisa said as she began to worry while Jennie was dragging Lisa along with her.

"Stop blabbering and start searching for them before they cause any kind of trouble." Jennie told her.

"What if people found out they aren't human but hybrids? They will capture them and would do horrible experiments on them!" Lisa said with hysteria while she started panicking.

"Just stop thinking about the negative sides!" Jennie scolded the younger girl.

Lisa shuts her mouth real quick.

She was getting annoyed at her, and deep inside, she was getting worried too about her hybrid.

She sighs. "Sorry for shouting, Lis. It's just that I am getting worked up."

"It's okay, Unnie. I-"

Then they heard a loud scream.

"What was that?" Lisa asked.

It was unusual.


Because it didn't seem like it belonged to a girl. It was a very manly scream, even sounding more like a screech which a particular animal would make.

A bunny?

Both Jennie and Lisa's eyes widened in realization and looked back at each other.

"Oh no..."

They didn't waste any time going to the source of that scream coming from.

'Please don't let anything bad happen to Kook.' Lisa thoughts worriedly.

'If I freaking find Taehyung doing some weird sh*t I again, I swear I won't let him have his favourite snacks for a week!' Jennie thoughts angrily.

When they finally reached there, Lisa and Jennie saw a group of girls huddled together and were screeching like annoying crows as if they had spotted someone famous or an idol.

"Why are they crowding there?" Lisa wondered.

"Moreover, who are they bothering?" Jennie asked.

They went closer to them and spots the two people that they were looking for.

Jennie frowned upon seeing the scene unfold in front of them.

Lisa only gaped at the scene with wide eyes and blinked her round eyes.

Apparently, the two hybrid men were essentially getting a lot of attention from those "fangirls." The girls were mesmerized by their handsomeness and their body structure.

My Bunnicula ♥︎Liskook♥︎Where stories live. Discover now