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They stared at each other for a longer time than they should. Everything around them felt silent and dull as the boy focused on the mole on top of her upper lip while the girl's gaze found a mole under his lower lip. Jungkook still had his hands wrapped around her tiny waist and Lisa didn't know when her hands ended up holding on to his shoulders.

But who cares?

Lisa snapped from her little daydream when the loud annoying noise of her phone ringtone buzzed off. The bunny man frowned and his long bunny ears flopped down. He pulled her over the bed and the girl looked at him with a straight face until she remembered the previous event had gone down, not even a minute ago.

So, in spite, she grabbed her pillow and smacked it on his face.

"Yah! Why are you hitting me?" Jungkook asked as he tried to cover his face with his hands, blocking her ruthless pillow attacks.

"I swear to God Jungkook, if you pull up this kind of questionable stunt again, I am going to throw your carrot plushie away!" She grumbled angrily and kept hitting him relentlessly, though it barely even hurt him.


Jungkook thought it was enough and grabbed the pillow, pulling the weapon away from her hands. Then he grabbed her arms and pinned her on the bed.

Lisa glared at him from below and Jungkook eyes took in her appearance. Her hair was dishevelled and messy, her cheeks were blushing pink and her chest heaved in a quick motion as she

The girl realized their position and wiggled her hands away from his grasp. She placed her hands on his muscled chest, noticing he was shirtless. But at least he was wearing sweatpants , not completely naked. Her eyes shamelessly lowered down from his face to his defined abs.

Jungkook almost moaned at the contact of her soft skin. His body quickly reacted to her touch and reminded him of his impending heat.

"Lisa?" He called, his voice deep and breathy with restraints.

"Hmm." Lisa hummed back in reply mindlessly while still not taking her eyes off from his v line and his naked torso.

His eyes flicked to her lips and then back at her eyes. "Can I kiss you?" He asked innocently.

Lisa quickly snapped her eyes up to look at him with surprise written on her face. She blushed again and felt shy under his gaze.

"Umm..." She wasn't sure what to answer him.

Yes or no? She knew she has developed feelings and attachment for the bunny man since the day he had looked at her with those doe eyes filled with curiosity in her kitchen (while being almost naked), when he showed how much he worries for her and how protective he is towards her when he saved her twice.

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