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A heartbeat skipped at his low, hoarse voice as if it was hard for him to even talk normally, as if he was struggling for control. Lisa's body went as still as a statue at his words. She didn't dare try to move away from him when she felt his hands slowly snake around her waist and hold her close to him tightly. She gulped and raised her gaze up to look at him.

Hungry and gleaming crimson eyes looking down at her, making her feel even more anxious. Unusual heat radiates from his body. His body was burning hot as if he had a fever. His gaze felt so strong and inscrutable that she felt weak.

"J-Jungkook?" She dared to call out his name in hopes that he would listen

The man blinked, seemingly coming back to his his senses or at least trying to. But it was failing, as the red hue in his eyes wasn't going away. He was having trouble controlling his lust this time.

'What's happening?...why...why can't I control it?...'

He was confused and scared because not only was he feeling the thirst for not just any blood, but her blood. It shouldn't be like this. He had never encountered such a need for a specific kind of blood.

But then again, he tasted human blood only once in his life and it was years ago. And he knows how good Lisa's blood had tasted on his tongue.

Warm, sweet, and delicious.

There was something else, not just blood lust. No, it would have been easier to control. If he consumes meat, it will be enough to sustain. But he could feel this odd desire clawing at his chest.

Desire to taste her lips, her body and mark her as his, not just by his scent, by his bite marks on her beautiful pale and unblemished neck. To touch her in places he had never before, To make her moan his name, to make her...

Jungkook's eyes widened when he realised now what was happening to him. How could he possibly forget about this? He should have realised this when he was already scenting her too much. This is bad.

'I am going through...heat...'

He has to get away right now, far away from her. Locked in his cage. How stupid of him to forget such an important thing. He had run out of his suppressants, too. If he still stays close to her, he is afraid he will ...


Jungkook closed his eyes tightly and jerked away from her. Lisa quickly moves away and looks back at him. He covered his eyes with his hands and fell to the floor, frantically backed away against the wall.

"What's happening to you? You are scaring me, Jungkook!" She said, looking worriedly and anxiously at the male's impulsive behaviour.

"Get-GET AWAY FROM ME! Don't come closer to me, please." He cried out, gripping his long hair tightly.

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