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Skipping down the pathway, the blonde girl was humming to a song that she was listening through the earphones plunged into her ears. A long day at university as always but worthwhile every time she spent learning about photography and angles, perspectives.

She reached her apartment in no time and opened the door.

Only to be greeted by a sight she had come to see regularly these past few days. It was beginning to be normal.

There, Jungkook was in his actual bunny form with wings flapping behind his back and crimson orbs looking back at her instead of his usual normal black ones. He was flying as he flapped his wings to get closer to her.

After that accidental reveal and his story of how he discovered this side of him, he started to freely show it around without hiding. And that somehow warmed her heart that Jungkook had started to feel comfortable and trust her around him.

Though sometimes she gets spooked out seeing him with bat wings, bloody eyes, and really sharp looking fangs while having a tiny doubt that he might bite her. But at least he isn't like that in his human from. She would have been more

"Hi, Jungkook!" She greeted him with her dazzling smile.

The bunny in reply went straight towards her and settled himself on top of her right shoulder as he snuggled into her neck, enticing a giggle from the human girl. He sniffed her hair and continued to brush his head on her neck quite aggressively. She recognised the little action. He was scenting her again.

"Kookie, enough of rubbing yourself on me. Your fur tickles me." She slightly laughed and patted his tiny head as she walked towards her room.

'No! I don't like others' scent on you. You should only smell like me or yourself. ' Jungkook huffed out in annoyance but couldn't convey his thoughts as he was in his bunny form and he doesn't have any bond to share his thoughts with her.

Oblivious of the little black rabbits' irritation, she grabbed him and placed him down on her reading table. She crouched down to his eye level, resting her hands on her knees.

"Wait, here while I change. Okay?" She nodded her head to him.

The bunny blinked and nodded his head instantly. Lisa couldn't help but boop his tiny nose with her finger, letting out a giggle later when the bunny crunched his nose adorably.

Leaving her bag on the single chair and grabbing her comfy clothes, she walked inside her bathroom and locked the door.

The restless little fluff ball jumped from the table and his wings flapped lightly. So his fall was delayed and land on the floor gracefully like a bunny should.

The moment his little grey paws touched the floor, the magical purple cloud engulfed his tiny animal body. The cloud grew and once again, a very well-defined and muscular body of a naked man appeared.

My Bunnicula ♥︎Liskook♥︎Where stories live. Discover now