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"Order at Table no.21."

"I got it!"

The blonde girl grabbed the round black tray which had two cups of cappacino and red velvet cake and swiftly strotted towards the destined table.

She turns around and swiftly walked towards the table that ordered the meal.

She stood in front the customers and offered them one of her best smiles.

"Good afternoon, here's your orders. Sir." She said politely with a radiating smile as she places the orders on the table.

"Thank you." The customer said with a appreciative smile.

Lisa bowed slightly and moves away to return the tray to the place she took. Another girl who works at here takes away the tray to place  another order while Lisa keeps herself busy by taking people's orders one by one.

Meanwhile two black beads watched the blonde girl with a possible pout on his hairy small face. A longing expression on the tiny black bunny's face as he observes his owner. Kookie was sitting on the furthest corner of the counter so he could avoid being seen by unknown people.

He hates getting people's attention on him. That's why back in the pet shop aka magic shop he didn't like it when people came up to him and touchs his silky fur without his permission. He would instantly get aggressive and bite their hands off. But luckily Jin was there to make sure he doesn't hurt the customers severaly.

Now that Jungkook thoughts about it. He never once acted rude towards Lisa. He never even thought about harming her in any sort of way. The idea itself sounded so sinister. He will never hurt her.

At least not on purpose.

Rather he feels the opposite. He yearns to be close with her. The first time they met, he was awaken from his small nap because of an sweet scent he smelled. The moment he opened his eyes, he saw the most beautiful human girl he has ever seen. He realised the mysterious scent was coming from Lisa.

Her touchs and affection felt right to him and he felt at ease as his instincts didn't detect her as a threat. He liked it when Lisa caressed his fur with her soft hands. Maybe he wanted more than just few scratchs on his head and stroking through his fur. He wanted all his noona's attention-all to himself.

But it seems now Lisa was busy with taking orders and giving them. She didn't even glance at him. Jungkook's bunny ears dropping down at the thought as his ears hides his sad eyes.

'Noona isn't paying any attention to me.'

He sulked and helplessly kept watching her form switching from here and there.

Suddenly he felt someone's presence closer to him. His long bunny ears perked up and moved up and down as he hears bristle sounds of furs brushing against the wooden counter. He looked at the direction of the sound.

My Bunnicula ♥︎Liskook♥︎Where stories live. Discover now