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"Finally, we are home!" The bunny man announced happily, stretching out his hands.

She yawned, feeling tired from the walk back from Rosé's place. "I thought I was in a very weird situation with a hybrid. Rosé has it worse than me." She giggled, remembering about the long conversation that had taken place in her friend's house and how Rosé has to handle Jimin from now on while sharing him with Yoongi.

Lisa still doesn't understand this mate entitlement. The only thing she knew was that Jimin wanted to mate with Rosé...suddenly? They just met two times...

The girl shook her head, finding this mate thing odd, to be precise. She took a glance at Jungkook, who was busy buttoning his shirt, complaining to himself how useless it was.

She remembered Jungkook had called her 'his' and how he acted so possessively towards her when Jimin was naked in front of her and protect her eyes the view which she appreciated.

She didn't need much time to realize Jungkook must have chosen her as his mate as well.

But does she accept it? Maybe or maybe not.

She closed her eyes and sighed. "Jungkook, I will be in my room to change." Without further ado, she went inside her room and closed the door behind her.

Jungkook nodded and his eyes followed her back till she disappeared behind the door. He grinned to himself and kept his shirt unbuttoned, letting his abs be on view. Lisa isn't here to order him to wear anything. He headed to the kitchen to fill his stomach with food while she's busy.

Jungkook went to the kitchen to fetch something to eat till Lisa came back. He opened the fridge. His doe eyes looked around all the contents and his gaze stopped at the bottle of banana milk. He smiled and grabbed it.

He was about to take the first sip of the delicious liquid when he felt a sudden jolt of pain around his abdomen. The bottle slipped away from his grip and the content splattered onto the wooden floor as he pressed his hands against his lower stomach. He groaned, feeling the heat rising again with twice the pain. "No..." he grunted, clutching the kitchen counter to support his weight. He could feel his canines growing and sinking in his lower lips that he tightly bit into, drawing out his own blood. He tasted the coppery taste of blood and grimaced. He squeezed his eyes shut and opened then again, now glaring with crimson hues. He felt nothing but a hunger for blood and a savage desire to claim...

Claim his mate, Lisa...

He snapped his eyes in the direction of the criking sound of Lisa's bedroom door opening. He stalked towards her.

"I almost forgot, you hadn't had your dinner yet." Not aware of the hungry gaze of the hybrid man. She raised her eyes up to look at where Jungkook was and found a pair of deadly red eyes looking down at her. She was startled by his abrupt appearance and backed away.

My Bunnicula ♥︎Liskook♥︎Where stories live. Discover now