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All Jungkook saw was red.

He couldn't see anything but a thick haze of crimson. He could hear faint sounds of male screaming and ripping of something.

Until he felt this sudden rush of hunger and rage calm down , he could finally see and breath normally.

The small boy's shouder fell down as he felt dizzy and weak. He raised his hand up to hold his aching head, his eyes fell on his palms and saw something red and wet smeared.

'What...is this?.."

The strange liquid had a sweet smell. He squinted his eyes and focused his blurry vision to get cleared. And when his sight was clear, he gasped and his doe eyes became bigger in fear.

His hands started to tremble as he unconsciously looked down at himself. His whole body was bathed in fresh and sticky crimson liquid. He slowly raised his head up to see the horrible sight in front of him-that he had just demonstrated.

There laid the body of the hunter, motionless and dead in his own pool of blood- tainting the bright green grass in red.

Little Jungkook's bunny ears perked up to see Soobin and his family members with some villagers were staring at him with wild shock.

Jungkook's face showed horror that they must have saw what happened here.

"I-I don't k-know how this h-" he stuttered, his words were hurried.

"You don't know what you did, boy?" One of the elder spoke up, his voice was authorative and emotionless.

Jungkook frantically shook his head.

The elder villagers glared at him and looked at him with hateful eyes.

"Well, we know what happened. You became the same monster that your father is and brutally killed that human." The elder said venomously.

Jungkook's heart fell and his eyes lowers down. "B-but I didn't-"

"Do not speak from that dirty mouth, boy!" Another elder told him sharply, causing the small boy to shut his mouth and lower his head in shame.

"But hyung saved Jisoo Noona. He didn't do it on-"

"Be quite, Soobin! Do not interfere when the elders are speaking." His mother and Jungkook's aunt scolded, cutting him off sharply. Soobin couldn't do anything but to lower his eyes.

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