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"W-what?!" The blonde girl stammered, stunned by his sudden statement.

The man sighed, looking away. "Don't be surprised. We both know it's for the best. I am nothing more than a constant danger to you. Look what happened to you. A monster like me shouldn't stay anywhere near you." Jungkook stated, though the words sounded bitter to him.

Lisa's frowned deepens. "No, don't think of yourself like-"

Jungkook ruffled his long hair vigorously, cutting her off.

"Please, don't say those words again. How long will you keep denying what I am truly? If you continue to keep me, I will continue to hurt you and I don't want to hurt you." His voice broke at the end.

Lisa opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. She doesn't know what to say to him or make him understand. It's true he isn't ordinary. Maybe he is a danger to her, maybe he will keep hurting her whenever he loses control.


That's it! She needs to teach him how to control his blood lust. But how? He has been trying to do it for years.

"We just need to find a way to make you learn to control your bloodlust, Jungkook. Don't lose hope."

"Don't." He growled back, eyes glowing crimson again. Lisa flinched and couldn't stop herself from slightly backing away.

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer, eyes still drawn to her. "Look at me and tell me, is this normal? Tell me if you would want to see this every time I lose control? Tell me you don't fear this side of me?" He dared, eyes boring into hers.

Lisa swallowed her own saliva and licked her dried lips before parting them. "I know this isn't normal, I don't want to see this and I am a bit wary about this part of yours." She told the truth. Jungkook's heart sank but he wasn't surprised by her replies.

"But..." she spoke again, grabbing his attention.

"...I want to help you...to help you control...to help you remove the fear of yourself and embrace it...to accept who you are and not be ashamed of what you are." She tugged on her hand that was held by him. Jungkook's grip loosened and she was able to free her hand.

Jungkook was speechless. His curious and beautiful doe eyes stared at her with so many emotions- confusion, fear, relief. "What if... you hope for too much in me? What if I never learn to control? What if I continue to hurt you and do even worse?" His lips trembled, glassy eyes looking back at her.

The corner of her eyes crinkled and a small smile found its way to her lips. She cupped his cheeks and tip toed to reach his height. Jungkook felt a soft touch of her plump lips on his thin ones, a feathery and sweet kiss but enough to obliterate him. He lost all his resistance and grabbed the back of her head, pressing his lips harder to kiss her back.

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