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"I am marking you with my scent..."

"Marking me what?" Lisa chirped out in confusion as she gazed at the hybrid man, waiting for him to explain.

He went quite for a minute and licks his lips before speaking.

"Yeah...you see. We hybrids, like to scent our partners or owners when we settled with them. It's a way of letting other hybrids know that the person is marked or showing ownership of that person. So that others doesn't approach them." He explained while he fiddled with the hem of his sweat shirt that was kindly given by his Taehyung hyung.

"Owners...partners...so that means I am his owner or partner?"

She shook her head and was a bit flustered at the idea of being his owner. She concluded that she won't see Jungkook as her pet after knowing he is an individual with feelings.

Maybe friends?

Yeah, they could start as companions or in Jungkook's word partners. But she didn't know that he didn't meant partners in a friendly way.

"So...why did you suddenly scent me?" She asked a bit confused.

"I...because my scent was fading. And I always scented you when I was in my bunny form. It's just this time I am doing it in my human form. Sorry if i made you uncomfortable. I couldn't help myself." Jungkook told her as one of his long black ear bowed down and the other one stood straight cutely.

Lisa had the sudden urge to grab his ears and rub them against her palms. But she fists her hands, holding herself for doing so.

"Stop being so adorable!"

She pouted which caught the attention of the bunny man and let out a sigh before settling on her bed. Jungkook tilted his head and stared at her before deciding to take a sit beside her.

Lisa raised a brow at him but didn't say nevertheless. She was trying to think what she should do right now since there's two hour to spare before going out to her usual work.

While Jungkook silently observed her.

"I wonder what Nonna is thinking. Should I ask?"

He scooted closer to her and was getting closer to her neck where her scent was the strongest. His nose flared up as he takes in her faint, soft scent. He unconsciously nuzzled his nose on her hair and continued to sniff her.

'Nonna smell so good like lilies.'

Lisa was startled by his sudden action and glanced at him. She frowned but didn't withdraw from him and let him sniff her.

Jungkook gained a little more confidence when Lisa didn't say anything and become a bit daring by wrapping his arms around her small body and pulled her closer.

My Bunnicula ♥︎Liskook♥︎Where stories live. Discover now