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Jennie's face went blank and didn't react at first as she stared at the hamster. Suddenly she shrieked out loud as she throws the little hamster away.

Let's say Jennie is not a fan of tiny rodents.

"No no! Ouch! That hurts." The hamster aka Jin rubbed his tiny bottom as it hit hard on the concrete floor. But he didn't have more time to remorse when he saw the cat eyed girl charging towards him.

"Oh no, you aren't going anywhere, Mr. Jin." Jennie said as she recovered quickly from her shock.

"Unnie-" Lisa called but was ignored. She sighed feeling helpless and followed the older woman.

The hamster squeaked loudly in fear and started running with his tiny paws as fast as he could. Jennie chased behind him but was getting pretty difficult to keep her eyes on the small creature as he went under chairs and tables to escape from her quickly.

Soon Jennie was losing track of him as the little hamster kept changing his pace and direction, confusing the girl. So she couldn't keep up with him for any longer.

'Yes, just a few more steps and I am out of their sight.' Jin thoughts happily as he was about to slip through the gap between two buildings.

"Mr. Jin. stop!"

Jin halted for a split second at the younger's soft voice but he shakes his head, was about to enter through the gap and escape.

"Mr. Jin, Don't go. We just want answers about them. Don't think about us, think about Jungkook and Taehyung. Please." She pleaded as she stares at the back of the small hamster.

Jin had his left front paw forward as he was having conflict in his mind after the girl's request.

'This girl...'

He closed his eyes and sighs as he turns around and walks up to her with his small paws. Jennie and Lisa watched the small guy strotting towards them.

The hamster inched his head up and as if in his command the same pinkish smoke ingulfs his tiny body and it grew big.

Until it towered over them and make out a silhouette of a man. The cloud disappears and revealed the purple and pink rainbow coloured hair man.

"Alright. I will answer your questions." Jin said, quiet forcefully.

"Thank you." Lisa gave him a appreciative smile.

"I am not doing it for you, i am doing this for my boys. Now ask away." He folds his arms over his chest as he wait for them to speak.

Before Lisa could utter a word, Jennie beat her to it. "First of all why didn't you explain us about them before we bought them?" The older girl asked sternly.

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