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The brunette's voice booms from the phone and Lisa's mouth hung low, hearing those strange and quite bearish words from the older woman.

Jennie had realized she had said those words while being on the line with Lisa. She blushed out of embrassment but Lisa couldn't possibly see.

"I-I..forget what I said a moment ago." She quickly replied, shoving a hand over Taehyung's face to keep him from coming closer to her.

Lisa pressed her lips together, not wanting to laugh and make her angry. "What words? I didn't hear your voice till now." The girl feigned innocent and saving Jennie from further embrassment.

Jungkook was listening to their conversation closely. He went over to his mate and wrapped his arms around her.

Lisa regarded him with suspicion but she let him be, turning her attention back on her phone.

"So anyways, why do you want me to keep Taehyung with him? Is there a problem?" She asked, even though she had an inking to what the reason might be.

She heard an audible sigh coming from the other side. "Tae...is starting his heat again and my parents are coming over to visit me. I can't keep him around them, especially when he isn't in his senses. So please keep him for the day with Jungkook." She requested, almost sounding like she was pleading.

Lisa frowns in thought. Jungkook isn't in his heat right now. But is it safe for her to keep a heated Taehyung around her house without causing a ruskus?

"I don't know, Unnie. What if Taehyung does something that he might regret later?" She asked carefully.

"Oh, I sure you. He won't touch you at all but he will be a little restless maybe chaotic? That's it. And I will give some vials that narcissistic hamster wizard or whatever his name is gave me." She quickly responded.

"Okay but be quick. I need to go catch my class soon. And his name is Jin, Unnie." Lisa responded with a giggle.

"Yeah, yeah. And thank you. Consider this the payments for those clothes i let you borrow, Lis. See you in a bit." She said jokingly, seemingly happy and too relieved. She hung up.

Lisa slipped her phone back inside her bag and sighed, closing her eyes. "Jungkook, let go at this instance." She sighed.

Jungkook reluctantly pulled away and stood in front of her with his curious eyes. "Taehyung will be coming here to accompany you and he is in his heat. So be careful and don't let him mess around." She said, cupping his cheeks and squashing them.

"Taehyungie hyung is coming? Great!" He said excitedly, engulfing her whole face in his large palms.

The bell ringed and Lisa freed her face from his grasp. She opened the door fully and met with a very nervous and struggling Jennie, trying to hold back a very feverish and clingy Taehyung.

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