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Graduation day,

Every student has waited for this and dreamed to finally reach this point of life and earn an honourable degree, a certificate of your achievements. A memorable and happy celebration, an end to a chapter of their life.

A happy day for all.

But a certain girl wasn't feeling that rush of happiness or proudness. She feels melancholic because something in her heart is feeling empty.

"Lalisa manobal, please come forth to take your degree."

Lisa snaps out of her gloomy bubble once her name is called. She looks around, seemingly lost for a second before realising she has been requested to go up the dias.

She hurriedly made her way up and took the honour of finally graduating. She shook hands, giving out a short speech and then to one of the excitement moment, throwing their graduation hats on the air.

But nothing seemed to cheer her up.

Her best friend noticed her gloominess. "Hey, Lali. What's with the long face? You should be happy right now. We are finally graduating!" He told her.

Lisa tried to smile but she just nodded her head. Bambam was about to say something until a feminine hand touched his shoulder, stopping him.

"Give her some alone time. It looks like she needs it." Mina, his girlfriend said, looking at the blonde girl's retreating back.

Bambam nodded in understanding and wrapped his hand around her waist. 

Her dull eyes roamed around the cheering crowd until her eyes fell on the pair of doe eyes she was longing for and would find herself lost in them many times.

He was leaning beside one of the trees, hands crossed over his chest and staring at her with a proud look on his face.

She ventured through all the people.

She stops just a few inches away from the man in simple white shirt and black pants but still looking as handsome as ever.

"Hello, sunshine." He spoke with his gentle and sweet voice. She couldn't believe that he was here and she wasn't dreaming.

She leaps into his embrace and holds onto him as tightly as possible. He, too, tightened his hold on her.

Lisa buried her head between his muscular chest and took in his soft scent of cinnamon and apples. Her favourite cologne.

"Did you miss me?" His familiar deep voice filled her ears.

"You have no idea how much, bun." She muttered, lifting her head to look at him with eyes full of love and pure happiness, and relief.

Jungkook smiled so brightly that she could feel her heart beating faster and the fluttering in her stomach increasing.

She returns it with her own dazzling smile.

My Bunnicula ♥︎Liskook♥︎Where stories live. Discover now