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Lisa fearfully stared at the now hybrid man who's eyes were glowing crimson red filled with an unknown hunger that she had never seen in Jungkook. The atmosphere shifted from warm and bright to dark and unsettling in a fraction of a second.

Jungkook was still greedily sucking on her wounded finger, ignoring her discomfort or call. He was lost in this sinful bliss, tasting her oh so sweet...sweet blood.

Damn! He never savoured such intoxicating blood in his hybrid life.

"J-Jungkook! Please stop!" She shouted with her quivering voice, trying to pull her hand away. She felt his other hand sneak behind her back pulling her closer.

Hearing his name for the second time, his tounge halted on her finger and pulled his eyes up to look at her. His red orbs took in her fearful ones. She looked frightened of him and he was the reason.

'What...what am I doing?!'

Jungkook froze, reluctantly detached his mouth from her finger and blinked several times until the red colour of his eyes wasn't as prominent as before. But there was still some hue of red in them, his lust of blood wasn't completely subdued.

'I need to get away from noona.'

Noticing that he was still holding onto her hand, he abruptly releases his grip. Lisa instantly backs away from him, looking at him with sudden fear.

Jungkook felt his heart fell seeing her being scared of him. He slowly takes a step back, then another and another, while looking down. He couldn't meet her eyes, the guilt was coming.

Lisa gulped and tried to calm herself down,  taking deep breaths before using her voice. "J-Jungkook?" She managed to get it out of mouth,  despite the fear, seeing this abnormal side of him.

Jungkook didn't acknowledge her. She was about to speak again but suddenly his purple haze appeared before her, taking away the view of the man. He was changing back in to his animal form.

So she waited for the haze to be gone and talk to him about this mess.

Soon the magical haze was gone and like every time the familiar stature of the bunny formed. The moment her eyes fell on him, she frowned in confusion.

Surely it was her black bunny with his familiar long ears and beautiful silky fur but...

Why does he have an set of tiny black bat wings on his back and bloody red eyes?!

Oh God...are those tiny FANGS peaking out from his small mouth?!

Before she could say anything and reach for him, the bunny flapped his little wings and slowly his feet left the floor, up in the air.

He was flying!

Lisa eyes widens and her lips parted, stunned by what her eyes was witnessing.

Her bunny was freaking flying!

My Bunnicula ♥︎Liskook♥︎Where stories live. Discover now