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Laying in bed I was holding my favorite stuffy, Laila, the lion when the light came on and Daddy came in. She smiled at me and helped me up. We sat on the bed together and Daddy rubbed my back and asked if I was ready to start our day. I nodded and Daddy helped me get ready. I loved my pink dress and the gray Jordans Daddy picked out and she completed the look with a high ponytail. Sitting at the breakfast table, Mama was making us some breakfast while Mommy was using the blender to make fresh fruit smoothies. Mama and Mommy both greeted me and said I looked pretty before all the food was put on the table. Mama cut up my sausage a little bit and my waffle before sitting to feed me while she had her fruit smoothie. Mama and Daddy talked about their job for a moment before asking Mommy what she planned to do with me for the day. Mommy said we had errands and would bring Mama lunch as usual. Mama smiled at me and said that she loved seeing me at lunch time. Breakfast was soon over and I got kisses before Mama and Daddy left for their job and Mommy and I left for errands.

Quietly I sucked on my pacifier in the backseat while Mommy held my hand from the front seat. We went to Target, Whole Foods, and to get the oil changed. During the third thing I was cranky because I wanted to comfort feed and nap. Mommy turned in her seat and rubbed my knee and apologized for it taking too long. After a little more time we were done and went through Chick fil a drive through and got lunch. Walking into Mama's office she was sitting at her desk writing. She stopped seeing me and Mommy and smiled. Mommy closed the door and put the food down and Mama picked me up. Mama pecked my lips and spoke quietly.

"What's wrong with my Bookie?"

"Tired." I pout.

"Didn't have time to stop Bey?" Mama asked.

"Fucking Valvoline took forever so yeah Meg, Baby is cranky."

"I could have waited to eat, it would have been fine."

"No, she wanted to nap too so there's that. Anyway, Rob in court still?"

"Yeah, Judge Fenty is on the job." Mama teased as she sat with me.

Mommy let down her top and reached out for me and I got in her lap and latched. Mama ate her food while telling Mommy some boring law stuff that put me to sleep.


New book woop woop!

I said lets go big baby and do a quad couple!


excuse all errors!


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4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now