The Punishment 2

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Rob's POV:

Leaning against the wall in the playroom, I was smoking a blunt and enjoying the view. Nika was still in her original position but now with noise canceling headphones on. Peaches and Suga were in heaps on the floor trying to catch their breathes. I had them both strapped to a bench each getting worked over by some grade A metal vibrators for almost an hour as I whipped their asses for fucking in my office. That space was off limits outside of my Baby and me having our Dom and Sub fun.

"Get your lesbians asses up and go take a bath. I'm satisfied."

"You always call us that." Suga said rolling her eyes as she slowly sat up.

"Because you two act like you're in your own little relationship. But it's cool, I'm not jealous. Daddy can't be there all the time and I know my girls have needs. Just don't forget about me sometimes." I say with a pout.

"Awww. Daddy, we love you. We're sorry." Suga and Peaches said in unison on their feet.

They both took turns hugging me and I accepted their apology and gave them kisses before they started to limp out. I smirked and reached over giving them both a 'love tap' on the butt earning groans in the hallway. I cleaned up the room and turned off Nika's vibrator.

Luckily for Nika her vibrator had shifted back some during this time so it wasn't flush against her giving her some slack to pull away from the vibrator, but she was so swollen that it only took the edge off.

Nika collapsed into my arms as I released her from her bonds. I carefully put her off the side on a large beach towel on the floor as I started to clean up the floor, toys and put the rest of the things away. I finished by cleaning the mirrors and turning off all the lights. I carefully picked Nika up and carried her out of the room. I took her upstairs to her room where Peaches had put Nika's pajamas out and filled her bathtub with hot water and bubbles. I put Nika in the tub and she almost jumped out. I eased her back in as she opened her eyes and became tearful.

"I know, I know it stings. It'll feel better in a few minutes."

Nika whimpered as she sat in the hot tub as I started to wash her up. I joined her and held her for a moment before I washed myself and got out. I gave her a towel dry and rubbed her carefully in oil and lotion before putting her in the shirt I got her for Christmas and some black boy shorts.

 I gave her a towel dry and rubbed her carefully in oil and lotion before putting her in the shirt I got her for Christmas and some black boy shorts

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 She was sleepy but I knew she hadn't eaten yet. I went to get some clothes and saw Suga passed out sleep in bed in a big t-shirt and Peaches sitting up in bed texting on her phone.

"Everything okay Babe?" I ask going into my closet.

"Yeah, just Solange keeping me updated."

I got on underwear and a tank top with my gray sweats before coming out and walking to the Peaches. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and left the room. I went downstairs and got Nika a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and took it to her room. Nika wasn't in her room so I walked into ours and saw her curled up next to Peaches. I put Nika sandwich in the mini fridge in the room and joined them in bed. In bed, Nika was quietly talking to Peaches and saying sorry she was being bratty. I felt bad knowing we all liked the sass and spoke. I told Nika that I liked that she was being more expressive with her personality and that she didn't have to be meek and quiet. That she could be loud, happy, and sassy if she wanted but to be mindful of her tone and be a good 'brat' and not a naughty one.

Nika looked skeptical and Peaches told her we could talk again later as she put her boob in her mouth. Nika hungrily suckled and I shook my head.

"Peaches, give Nika a big lunch for now on. It'll compensate for her not wanting dinner most nights."

"I will try but you know that our Baby is a milk monster."

Peaches and I giggled and I settled into bed. Sleep came quick as I felt a small warm hand reach over and hold my hand that was resting on my side. I rubbed my Baby's hand until we went to sleep.


excuse all errors!



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