Christmas 2

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Peaches POV:

Robyn screaming made us all jump up. I quickly realized nothing was wrong and grabbed my chest.

"Are you okay?"

"I...there was a gun and someone said Mommy?" Rob said confused rubbing her arms.

"Rob, that was Nika, talking her sleep."

Rob looked at Nika who was holding her chest with tears in her eyes. Rob scared the crap out of all us which was really unlike her. Suga got up to open the door to a worried Mel and to get some water. Rob got up to get a drink and relax and I wrapped my arms around Nika.

"'s okay."

"Daddy scared me."

"I know, Come here."

I popped one of my nipples in her mouth as Suga came in with 4oe who was awake.

"No dogs in the bed."

"Aww, please? He's lonely."

"Suga, No, you can sleep with him at home in a spare room but not the family bed."

"Yes M'am. I'll put him over by the fire to keep him warm."

Suga went over to the fireplace corner and found a box and blanket and put 4oe in it. She washed her hands before getting back in bed with us. I leaned over and gave her a kiss and she leaned over and kissed Nika's cheek and spoke.

"Can I have some Bookie?"

Nika shook her head 'No' before pushing me back into the pillows and covering me with her body. Suga laughed and started tickling her.

"You little boobie monster, you love you some Mommy huh? I'll remember this when you are sucking mine."

"Mama's just teasing Nika." I said kissing her forehead.

"Yeah Bookie, Mama wouldn't be petty like that. I love you Bookie."

Suga put her arm around Nika and Nika unlatched and said she loved her too before Suga kissed her.

"Awww, my girls, so sweet."

Suga chuckled and Nika latched to my other boob as Robyn came back down. She sat behind Suga and wrapped her arm around her and undid her pajama top. Rob started to massage her breast before whispering something in her ear. They got up and left the basement and Nika spoke.

"Mommy...can you...touch me too?"

"Oh, you want me make you feel good Princess?"

Nika nodded and I bit my cheek before getting up and getting two towels. I put them under her and undressed her. I used her knee high socks to bind her wrists to the bed post and started to trail kisses down her body. I took time suckling her breasts for a change as I got between her legs and started to roll her clit in my fingers. I took pleasure playing in her pussy and make it drip for me. I moved my lips up to her ear as started to grind my pussy against hers.

"You're so wet Princess, I love it."

Nika quietly moaned as I started to kiss her neck. I trailed them down to her pussy before putting her wet pearl in my mouth and sucking on it. Nika moaned and thrashed trying to get me off before I just spread her legs and held them in the air as I licked and sucked her pussy all over. Nika had a orgasm and I jumped up and rode it out with her. Making out with her, I fucked her for the better part of an hour before orgasming myself and making her squirt. I asked Nika if she was satifised and she nodded. I let her go and we went to the bathroom to shower. I just tossed on my robe and panties and dressed Nika in a white pajama top and bottoms. I cleaned the bed up and we brushed our teeth before I peaked at 4oe and we got back in bed.

In bed, Nika was quietly suckling her pacifier looking at me. I kissed her forehead and covered her with her blanket.

"It's going to be okay tomorrow okay? We're going to be with you and no one is going to hurt you."

I pecked the back of Nika's pacifier as she sucked it harder and closed her eyes. Nika was sleeping soon as Rob and Suga came in and took a shower. They soon joined me and Suga went right to sleep and Rob sat up and held me for a while before I fell asleep in her arms.


It was a whirlwind, getting up, packed, to the small airport, and to New York. In New York, we decided to not wait around and went to see Robert. I was ready for anything but wasn't ready to see Robert fucking on a women no older than Nika. We really should have knocked. Robert screamed at us for us just coming in and asked what the hell we were doing. Rob quickly asked about the death bed rumor and Robert admitted that he was unwell but got better and was even getting married to his bed partner as him and Carol had gotten a divorce because of their opposing views on Nika. Nika left out and I followed.

In the hall, I hugged her and she asked if we could go get pizza. I said 'Okay' and Rob soon came out of the room. We left the apartment and Nika told us the pizza place she wanted. We ate quietly before I realized something.

"Was that...Lauren?"

"Lauren? Nika's friend?" Rob said chewing.

We looked at Nika who nodded and spoke quietly.

"She told me she was getting married on New Years in L.A. via text but I had no idea it was him. He watched us grow up."

"That's wild. You weren't going to her wedding were you?" I asked.

"Diamonte and I both got invited and Diamonte told me if I go, she'd go just so we could sit in the back and talk shit." Nika said.

"If you want to go, you should. We'll support you Doll." Rob said before her phone rang. "I'll be right back."

Rob left the table and Nika had a sip of her soda.

"You feeling okay Baby?"

"Yes, I feel bad I made Rob bring us here."

"It's okay Nicki, we needed to know. How about we go shopping after this?"

"No, you've gotten me so much already."

"My wife can have what she wants."

Nicki weakly smiled before biting into her pizza. I looked up and saw Kelly walk in with Solana and the girls. I tried to hide my smile as I was so happy, we were able to catch them while they were in New York on holiday. Ariana and Normani ran over and hugged Nicki and they all started talking. Kelly started to talk to me and Solana went to get their pizza order and served her girls. Rob came back and we had a nice lunch and took the girls shopping before going to our hotel to have dinner in. The girls were camped out in the living room watching a movie with chicken nuggets and fries while we had salmon, wild rice, and wine.

I was so happy to see Nika was enjoying herself and so was Suga when we called her via FaceTime. She was having fun, bonding with 4oe and enjoying all the restaurants with the parents and Mel. Solange was even feeling well enough to join and was having fun.

Later, the girls curled up with us Mommies and latched on enjoying a quiet nursing session while another one of their movies finished up. Nika was so sweet holding Normani's hand since it was thundering and 'Mani was whining. Soon everyone was asleep with the exception of me and Nika. Nika cuddled me and looked at me with sleepy eyes in the dark. I started to lightly rub her cheek and she spoke.

"I love you."

"Awww, I love you too Baby."

I gave her a kiss and put her pacifier in as she closed her eyes. Soon she was asleep and I followed right behind her.


excuse all errors!



4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now