The Clear Ring

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ooo not two updates in one day. lol vote and comment. 

Beyonce's POV:

I think I slept all of four hours last night. Nika and I slept in her bed and she either woke me up to talk, cry, or take medication for her hand that was bothering her. Nika finally went to sleep after suckling me and falling back into her headspace.

Walking into the bathroom, Rob was putting on some lotion while dressed in a gray polo and black slacks. She hugged me and handed me my toothbrush and spoke.

"Rough night Peaches?"

"Yeah, Baby was just going through it. I'm so tired."

"I understand, why don't you go back to bed and sleep in. I'll call over Mel to be with her when she wakes up."

"It's okay, I'll just make sure to sleep at nap time with her."

I brush my teeth and get freshened up and changed into a red spaghetti strap sundress. I brushed my hair into a ponytail and went downstairs where Suga was plating up some chocolate crepes. I gave her a kiss that turned into a full make out session on the kitchen before Rob came in and kissed us both and got her breakfast. We ate and Rob and Megan left, and the maids came in. They started cleaning and I went outside to get some air as Solange and my Mom came up. They started to talk with me before my Mom went inside to watch a movie and Solange stayed with me by the pool on the cabana chairs. Nika came down. She had on her pajama shirt still that barely reached her thighs and was holding her lion. She settled on my lap and spoke to Solange before turning her head to latch on but quickly stopped when she saw the maids cleaning the windows behind us.

"It's okay Baby, I don't pay them to watch us. But they'll be gone in an hour if that helps."

Nika nodded and went inside and sat with my mom who soon took her upstairs.

"She's such a shy one. You think she'd not care about people seeing her."

"I know, I hope it gets better, she hates people watching her nurse especially."

"Well...guess what?"


"I've been interviewing slash talking to a few people to find a 'Little'. I have one I really like and I'm so excited!"

"Wow! I'm so happy Solange!"

"Me too. She's been spending weekends with me and getting used to me and she's been in her headspace for the last few times and its so sweet. She's a strong 5."

My heart swelled as Solange told me about her 'Little' and I was missing my own. I loved my relationship with Nika so much. After talking for thirty minutes we got up and went inside. I did have some small errands to run and wanted to get in our nursing session before we left. Nika was dressed at the table in a pink baby t-shirt and black tennis skirt. Her midriff was exposed a few inches and I wanted to tickle her so bad but held off since Mom was feeding her some oatmeal with honey quietly coaxing her to finish it.

I kissed her cheek lightly and went to fill out water bottles and get my Telfar tote bag and keys. I double checked I had two clean pacifiers and a snack for her for later.

Nika finished eating and my Mom helped her put on no show black socks and her black slip-on vans. I grabbed our jean jackets and we all left out. In the truck, Mom kissed Nika a few times and told her that she'd come visit with her soon and make cookies. My Mom and Solange hugged me and left, and I started to drive. I stopped at the drug store and hair store before we got subs for lunch and took one to Rob and Megan for lunch. Megan enjoyed holding Nika in her lap and tickling her. I was grateful they both were working on being more affectionate to one another. Nika happily nursed while Megan and I talked, and she ate before we left for our last stop of the day. At Target, I got what we needed before letting Nika pick out a toy. I checked out in electronics while I waited and there wasn't no line.

Nika didn't come up to me with something, so I walked back into the aisles to find her. I went to the slime aisle, Barbie, and Lego aisle before turning the corner and seeing some guys. I was going to walk past when I saw pink shirt between them.

Circling like sharks I could barely see Nika through them and but quickly shoved my way through and saw one of them with his hand wrapped around her neck pinning her to the shelf and his hand up her skirt. I lost my shit and went to strike but his goons held me back and one covered my mouth.

"Beyonce, you're interrupting me and my fiancée. However, I think it's interesting that you're fucking on what's mine, turning her out."

He whispered in Nika's ear something that made her eye go wide. In two hard motions he shoved his hand up hard and then down literally taking her off her feet for a second. Nika looked like she wanted to pass out as the man moved his hand from under her skirt. In his hand, I was shocked to a clear plastic ring between his fingers.

"Birth control? Really?" The man said holding up the plastic ring.

I struggled more against the men holding me back and soon got my mouth free to scream. Some workers passing by jumped in but froze when the man tossed some money at them to forget what they saw as they made a quick exit through the open back bay doors of receiving. Wrapping my arms around Nika I yelled about what I saw as store security came up. A worker grabbed my cart and pushed it to the truck for me while an officer asked me more questions and tried to ask Nika what happened, but she was having trouble breathing and even walking. A paramedic rolled up as we got to the truck and assisted in giving Nika some air and noting her injuries. Her neck had deep bruising on both sides but fresh nail cuts. The paramedic said that her neck had been bruised before and asked Nika if it was true, and she nodded. The police started down the list of domestic violence questions before going back to the original incident at hand. The paramedic gave her two ice packs after cleaning and putting some gauze on her neck and told her to follow up with her Doctor. I felt so bad, first the bullshit at Solange's house a few weeks ago and now this! The paramedic asked about the other place and Nika pressed her thighs together and started to cry. I told them I'd take her to the hospital and they gave me a form to take with us.

At the hospital, she got a full look over and told me that the man was 'Rihmeek' and I put the pieces together. They didn't hold us long and I was grateful. I kept her as comfortable as I could as Nika had a vaginal exam. Luckily Rihmeek didn't do any damage by ripping out her birth control ring but the sudden stretching of her walls would have her feeling sore for a few days.

Nika gave given something for pain and we finally got to leave. I took her straight home and ran her a warm bath. Holding her in the bath, I wanted to ask so many questions but decided on three.

"Rihmeek, is the one who for awhile would text you all the time and call?"

"...Yes." Nika said in a whisper.

"He's the one who hurt your neck in the first place"

"...Yes." Nika said again quietly.

I sigh feeling bad that she didn't tell any of us and rubbed her back.

"Baby, you know you can and should tell us anything right? We're here for you and don't want you hurt. I'm so sorry I left you alone, I had no idea."

Nika nodded as tears streamed her cheeks and she spoke quietly.

"Daddy's...going to be so mad."

"Nika! No, Rob wouldn't blame you for this."

"Daddy is mad at me already." Nika wailing getting up. She almost fell over but managed to get up and leave the bathroom.

I got up and grabbed a towel and went into the bedroom to see Nika grabbing a towel while still crying.

I wrapped mine around me and helped her dry off and myself before giving her a t-shirt and putting on a tank top and panties. I took her over to the bed and she yawned and looked exhausted. The pain meds were finally kicking in.

Holding her, I rubbed her back and was surprised when she latched but grateful, I could be a comfort to her. She suckled herself to sleep and I texted Rob and Megan that we needed to have a family meeting tonight.


excuse all errors!


not trying to make this sad just need to set the ground work for some things.


4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now