A Little Breakfast

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Peaches POV:

Nika and I were sitting at breakfast two days later with Suga who had taken a half day so she could join us. I loved the breakfast spot as it was quiet and out of the way and had a special 'Little's breakfast. The place had about 8 Mommies and Littles running around eating and playing. One couple, Kelly and Solana and their Little's Ariana and Normani, we really liked them and they ended up sitting with us. 

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Suga was talking them up making them laugh and I was watching their Little's interact with Nika. They weren't shy but talked and played quietly since Nika was shy. Ariana and Nika didn't say much above a whisper glued to their Mama's but they were playing dolls in the booth seat. Suga had Nika wrapped up in one arm for her comfort and the Solana the same. Solana was Mama and Kelly Mommy. It was neat to see them all wearing sutle collars. Solana's was a simple gold straight line collar, Kelly's a beautiful diamond and gold collar. Both of them looking like a pair of oversized wedding rings, it was genius. Normani's and Ariana's collars were more obvious and pink with gold and silver padlock heart respectively. I noticed Nika was really interesting in Ari's and was touching it a lot, Suga noticed too and texted me that we should ask Nika if she wanted one.

Kelly and I were enjoying our toast while Normani sat in her lap, nursing under a green fuzzy blanket. Normani reminded me of Nika, being a milk monster as they both got the same little look in their eyes. 

"So, do you nurse them both?" I ask sipping my tea.

"Yes, normally it's a tandem thing but they like the one on one's. Solana and I both lactate so we can have the bond but I have more of a supply, so they nurse with me more in the day and at night she does a tandem session and they nurse to sleep. Do you and Megan both lactate?"

"No. I like my piercings too much." Suga said shaking her head. "Don't give Bey any ideas."

The ladies laughed and the main breakfast came over. The girls were excited and started to eat with the exception of Nika. Suga whispered something in her ear and Nika's eat before Suga gave her a pacifier and gave me a sad look. Nika hadn't been eating much lately. Mainly only dinner and Suga and I think it was because Rob was present when we ate those meals. She'd have snack every once in a while but that was it.

I looked over to the door that chimed and saw Rob walk in with two bouquets of roses. I was surprised to say the least. She walked over and greeted the table before giving Suga and I the red roses. She hugged and kissed us and sat next to Suga and took Nika off her lap. Rob quietly talked to Nika and Kelly spoke quietly.

"They get like that sometimes, the constant nursing or pacifiers will take away their appetite. We don't nurse an hour before any meals and take away the pacifier."

"I'll try it, normally I get a few breaks in the day so I'll just arrange them differently. Thanks for the tips."

Normani popped her head up from Kelly's chest and said 'Done' before turning on her lap. She sat next to Ariana and started to have pancakes. We all talked for a while before Suga texted me and Rob asking if we would be okay with extending a invite for dinner tonight at the house. She said she'd pick up dinner so we won't have to cook and we agreed but I quickly remembered that we were going to my Mom's house for dinner. I excused myself to call her and asked if we could bring some people with us for dinner. She was more than happy to accommodate everyone and told us just to bring desserts to share. I came back to the table to asked Solana and Kelly if they wanted to join us for dinner and they agreed. They actually lived in my Mom's subdivision and could literally walk the few blocks over.

Solana got excited at the idea that the girls could see each other easily and more often. We wrapped up breakfast and exchanged information before we left to the parking lot. In the parking lot, Nika was sad that Suga and Rob had to go to work and started crying holding Rob tight. I felt bad but Rob told her we would be going to the bakery and that I'd let her have some carrot cake.

It ended up taking all three of us and a boob to calm her down. Sitting in the backseat, Suga and Rob stood in the open truck door talking to me about our breakfast with the Mom's. We were pleased and I was hoping some Little friends would help Nika be less shy.

Suga and Rob left after I got Nika settled and I drove us to the bakery and then to my Mom's. I didn't see the need to go all the way back home and come back out. At Mom's, Nika sat out on the back patio with her phone playing a movie and I helped my Mom clean up and we talked. She had party meatballs in her slow cooker and made two trays of lasagna for dinner, one with meat and one without. We were talking about Solange quietly when she walked through the door. Coi ran in and ran over to my Mom and hugged her before running out to the backyard. Solange came in and looked at Nika and looked like she wanted to say something but didn't.

Solange came into the kitchen and spoke.

"What happened to planning out our visits?"

"Don't start." I reply getting annoyed.

"No fighting in my house. Now, Solange, I'm sorry if you think that Dad and I are treating Coi a way but we've just been backing up because we're not trying to be in whatever drama you have going on."

"It's not drama, my girlfriend feels uncomfortable around my family because they go out of their way for Nicki and not her."

"I can't...Mom, I'll see you later."

I walk away from Solange and go out in the backyard. Thankfully, Coi was in the playhouse and Nika was still curled up in her. My watch went off for nursing time and Nika looked up ready to go. I helped her up and decided to just go down to the basement apartment and stay there until dinner. On the massive wrap around sofa, I laid down with Nika and she latched on. I put on a movie on the big movie screen and started to watch it. Halfway through the movie Nika spoke quietly.

"I like 'Mani and Ari."

"Awww, I'm glad you do Baby. They'll come over tonight to have dinner."

"Can we watch a princess movie down here?"

"I'm sure that you can, especially after dinner while the Mama's talk."

Nika smiled small and latched again. I was drained soon and Nika sleep suckling still. I was putting on another movie when Mom came down. She brought me an early lunch and water before leaving. I ate the sandwich she left me and had the water before sitting up. Nika woke a little but I gave her the pacifier and she went back to sleep.

Suga and Rob texted me that they were excited for tonight and I texted that I was feeling the same but had a small bad feeling about Solange.


yay, new dynamic! what do ya'll think? 

excuse all errors!



4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now