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Nicki's POV:

Nicki's POV:

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I was 'big' today and it was okay. I'd been avoiding it since it made me think about stuff I didn't want too but Dr. Aiko told me to not use my 'Little space' to avoid my adult level problems. She suggested I be 'big' for at least 24 hours a week so I started to choose Friday's as my 'Big girl' day. I ventured out alone although our 'Shadow' was sitting a few tables behind me. I was at a nice lunch spot that Rob liked and would take us too sometimes.

I was looking at my nails when Lauren came in. She looked pretty as always. She sat in front of me and smiled and spoke.

"Hey Nic."

"Lauren thank you for agreeing to meet."

"No problem, I've missed you."

The waitress came over and brought water and asked what we wanted. I got a salad and Lauren got the same along with a glass of wine and some chicken breast. We sat eating quietly while she went on and on about what her new 'riches' brought her. Seeing her like this hurt and I remembered and longed for the days when we shared a Subway footlong. Lauren soon started saying she could invest some of my money for me and went on about how she wanted to start a business with me like we always talked about and I was glad lunch was over. I flat out told Lauren that I only wanted to see her to end our chapter on a good note and that I appreciated everything she did for me in the past but now I was moving forward in life and wished her well. She nodded saying she was kind of glad we had an understanding and that since she got her money back she was good and was happy not to have to deal with me anymore as I was 'clingy'.

I paid the check and we stood. Lauren left and I went to the bathroom before leaving with Shadow. He drove so I sat in the backseat. I went shopping for something for Rob, Bey, and Megan. I got them all an outfit, shoes, and a gift card each to their favorite store.

I was looking at some sunglasses at Chanel when I heard a familiar voice behind me. I tensed up but quickly took a deep breath and stopped moving. The voice soon was beside me and had tucked my hair behind my ear.

"I always come in here for you. Never to buy just look. I just loved the time we were in here, folding shirts, staging glasses, and getting things on employee discounts. It was all worth it for you Nicki."



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4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now