Pop Tarts & Panties

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sorry for the wait, made it a little longer to make up for it. :)

Rob's POV:

Thankfully due to the government holiday I forgot about until late Sunday night, I was off. Bey had errands and wanted to have time alone for the spa so I was happy to take care of my Baby alone. Megan made us breakfast before leaving for her office and my Baby climbed into my lap and I held her.

            "Aww, a Daddy and Nika day, what should we do?"

Nika shrugged and I yawned. I was still tired from the weekend she was hard pressed to get up this morning after draining Bey dry.

            "How about we watch movies and have a lazy day?"

Nika and I got up and I cleaned up the breakfast dishes before we went up to the bedroom. I put on one of her favorite Princess movies but she just kind of laid on me sucking her pacifier. I rubbed her back and soon she was asleep. I took the quiet time and looked at some work emails with a blunt before Bey texted that she was missing her Baby. I told Bey to keep to her plans and that her Baby will be okay as she was sleeping. Bey was concerned about that but I told her Nika was still bothered by the incident at Solange's and still on edge even if she presented like she wasn't. Bey understood and told me to call her if I needed her and that she'd bring home dinner. We hung up and Nika started whining in her sleep. I held her and rubbed her back as I woke her up. She held up her hurt hand and spoke from behind her pacifier.


            "Aww, let's get you some pain meds Baby."


            "...Nika, you don't' have to take it but your hand is going to keep hurting without it."

Nika looked at her hand and wiggled her fingers as much as she could before she frowned and made a tight fist, something the Doctor advised against. I quickly reached over and grabbed her fist and tried to undo it.

            "Stop Nika! The Doctor told you not to make a fist because you'll hurt your knuckles even more. Stop!"

Nika started breathing heavy before she finally let her fist go. Bursting into tears, I grabbed her into a hug and laid us both down on the bed. I felt so bad. Nika struggled with some self harming tendencies when I met her and it took a lot to work her though them.

The door opened and Beyonce came in holding a pink unicorn. She frowned at the sight of us and came over on the bed on the other side.

            "Hey, what's the matter?"

I shot Bey a knowing look as Nika turned over and clutched onto her. Bey rubbed her cheek and 'Shhh'ed' her sliding down her spaghetti strap top so Nika could latch on. She buried her face in Bey's chest and I sighed and spoke quietly.

            "Didn't want to finish your errands?"

            "My spa day is for tomorrow, mixed the days up. My Mom's coming over to bring dinner. She won't stay just wanted to check in."

            "Okay. I'm going to get a snack and some pain medication for her." I say kissing Bey and Nika's cheeks.

            "Time for the pain meds huh? I'll get her to take it."

I nod leaving for the kitchen and felt a craving for a PopTart. I had some hidden because Megan would eat them all in one smoke session. I grabbed one and some apple juice from the pantry before getting one of Nika's pills from the top cabinet and going back to the bedroom. In the bedroom, Bey was singing to Nika quietly while she was quietly sniffling. I handed Bey the small pill and she told Nika to take it. Nika sat up and took it before lying back down and latching back onto Bey. I turned on a movie and had my snack before turning over to go to sleep.

4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now