Thanksgiving 2

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(I owe y'all a full chptr but wanted to post this cause I heart ya'll. I'll update in a few hours when I have more time to write.)



Nika's POV:

I didn't nap for too long and really wanted to go be with everyone. I felt more comfortable around Beyonce's family since we saw them more but now, Coi and Aunty Solo didn't want me around. I held my teddy that I kept at Mama Tina's house as Mommy came in. She smiled small closing the door behind her and sitting in front of me.

"Why does Aunty Solo hate me?"

"Oh...Baby, she doesn't hate you. She's just trying to do what she thinks is right for Coi. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it. Hmmm?"

"...I miss her and I know you miss her."

"I do miss my Baby sister and it's okay. Sometimes siblings need a break. It's not your fault."

"Evevrything's my fault, and I always seem to pull others into it."

"Baby...I'm sorry that you're feeling that way but Dr. Aiko told you that sometimes bad things happen and it's not just your fault."

"Lying doesn't make me feel better."

"I'm not lying, it's true. Sadly, we've had some bad times but don't let that out weigh the good ones. I'm sorry it's been so hard my Baby. We're trying so hard to keep the incidents down which is why Solange making a big deal about today and going forward is pissing us off needn't worry about that. You just focus on living your best Little life huh? You love being Little don't you?"

"I love being with you, Mama, and Daddy. I've been so happy."


"Everyday, even when it's a bad one. I hug you and I'm happy. I don't want anyone to take it away from me."

"No one will take it away from you. I love having you with me everyday, I'm not alone while Rob and Suga are working. I have a purpose."

Mommy started laughing and crying 'happy' tears which made me cry too. She cuddled me and we calmed down. Mommy yawned and rubbed my cast.

"How's my Baby's arm?"

"It's okay."

"Good. Let me know if it starts to hurt again okay?"

"I will."

"My milk's come in a bit Baby if you want some, you're doing a good job of increasing my supply. Such a good girl."

Mommy yawned deeply and soon fell asleep. I heard Aunt Solo in the hall talking to Coi before the door opened and Aunt Solo peaked in. I hid my face in Mommy's shoulder and heard them walk away. I wanted my other bear that Mama Tina kept in her room so I got up and went in there. I had to go to the bathroom so I did that and washed my hands before cleaning up some books I knocked over and going back to our room. I stopped dead in the doorway seeing Coi latched onto my Mommy's breast with her phone out recording herself.

I felt numb. I couldn't speak or even scream. I randomly gagged and Coi saw me and unlatched with a smile.

"She's taste so sweet. You don't deserve her Nika. You're a broken Little, literally and she deserves me. You can't even take all of the milk from her breasts properly. I may never get Beyonce but I have gotten something that was supposed to be just for you, her milk."

Coi latched onto Mommy's other boob and sucked it so hard I saw her cheeks cave in. I swore Mommy was going to wake up but she didn't. A few good gulps and I knew she emptied her. Coi got up and walked up to me and spoke lowly.

"It was me who sent all those messages to you family. Figured you'd go crazy and they lock you up in a mental hospital so I can slide in your spot."

"...Aunt Solo?" I say above a whisper.

"Big sister and Little sister can share. I love Solo but come on, Beyonce? Hell yes!"

Coi hit my cast and I buckled to the floor. I was in agonizing pain and couldn't even cry out. I wanted to jump up and claw her eyes out but I couldn't move. I felt horrible that she touched my Mommy without her consent and that she took something that was a symbol of our bond. Not to mention, sending my family and Rihmeek those videos of me was next level betrayal.

Naturally after losing my shit and Mama and Daddy coming in, I felt like I was dying and Daddy gave me a needle which was shocking since it made me feel triggered about Shadow but soon, I felt fuzzy all over and stopped crying. We left Mama Tina's and went home, somewhere in between I fell asleep. Waking up I was surprised to see I was home wrapped in bed with Mommy. I woke her and decided to tell her what happened and apologize.


End of flashback-


excuse all errors!!



4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now