Littles - 3

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Peaches POV:

I went to my Mom's house before going to Solange's. My Mom was in the kitchen frosting chocolate cupcakes for tonight. She offered Nika a cupcake who shook her head 'No' and went to the first guest room. Tina got a clean spatula and swatted my shoulder with it.

"Ya'll still fucking around in her stuff aren't you?"

"No! We settled that."

"I hope so, you and Suga need to go to therapy because having sex like that is unnatural."

"It's not when you love someone."

"It's lust and lust is dangerous and can make you lose the things you hold dear."

"I understand."

"I have to take a shower and get ready for tonight, you go lay with that Baby and hug her and tell her that you love her and are truly sorry. I really love Nika and I love seeing you two together so don't fuck it up!"

My Mom swatted me with the spatula again and pointed it to the other room. I roll my eyes before going into the guest room. In the guest room, Nika was lying on the bed looking at her lion and rubbing its hair and whispering. Quietly closing the door, I took my tank top off enjoying the cool of the air conditioning on my skin. I carefully laid down behind Nika and draped an arm around her waist. She went quiet but soon spoke.

"Bryan...Joey...Hmm...I can't think of a good name for you."

"Aww, It's boy lion this time huh?"

"Yeah...I miss Laila but this one is cute too."

"I know, I'm still really sorry about that."


Nika and I both laughed and she turned to face me. She looked at me and then the plushie before getting a spark of joy in her eyes and speaking quietly.


"Sir? I love it! I love you too." I said tickling Nika.

Nika giggled before relaxing and yawning. It was our normal nap time and I truly needed one today.

"I'm nervous Mommy, what if Aunt Solo's Little is like ...Coi?"

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. Aunt Solo is has told me that she's very nice and playful. She's been vetted heavily."

"I'm tired." Nika whined.

"Aww, my Baby has been tired all day. We need a cozy day tomorrow, pj's, movies, and lots of cuddles. I want to reconnect with my Baby. We'll get lots of take out and enjoy ourselves."

"Yay." Nika said quietly with a smile.

I yawned and Nika's small hand soon traced my milk laden breasts. The stimulation caused droplets to quickly appear and Nika latched on and we both closed our eyes and took a nap.

It wasn't long before we woke up and got ready to go to Solange's. Nika had been quiet since waking up and just kind of followed me around with Sir pinned to her chest. I helped my Mom load her car with treats before we went over to Solange's. At Solange's, Rob was outside in the driveway waiting for us. She opened my door for me and greeted me with a peck before opening Nika's door. Rob kissed Nika's cheek before looking at her neck and adjusting Nika's collar. She told Nika that it was too tight and asked if she had adjusted it. Nika said 'No'. Rob took it off and told her that the leather ones were good for the summer. I remembered what Dr. Aiko said and told Rob saying that it might be why she felt dizzy. I felt bad not realizing and gave my Baby a big cuddle and some kisses as Rob rubbed her neck.

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