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Nicki's POV:

Laying in the hot sand, in my bathing suit, my body felt so good. The sun was setting, and the view was too die for. We were in Los Cabos Mexico, at a 5-star resort. Rob was in the pool with Peaches enjoying a drink and Suga was eating a taco and nursing a big alcohol laden slushie. Suga joined me sitting in the sand and asked if I wanted some of her drink. I was feeling thirsty, so I nodded and sat up. Brushing off, I took the cup and had a few good swigs. It was super tasty, and I didn't taste the alcohol at all. Suga took the cup back and I spoke.


"That was a lot. Be careful, don't want you getting drunk."

"I'll be fine. Do you want to go inside for a bit?"


Suga and I get up and head back inside of the resort doors before walking to our suite. In the suite, Suga and I washed our hands and she put her drink in the freezer. We both went to shower off the layers of sunscreen Peaches forced us to wear and came back out in our robes to the living room. I had put on some music on the room speakers and it clicked over to my bedroom playlist at the perfect time. Suga surprised me and took one of my hands and rubbed it lightly before pulling me close to her.

"This is new."

"What do you mean Nicki?"

"You never touch me like this."

"What? I have too."

"No, you touch Beyonce like this, never me."

"I'm so sorry Nicki, I never...I didn't mean too."

"I think you see me as only Robyn's and not yours as well."

"I mean, she collared you."

"She collared me because I asked her too, I'm no more hers than yours. However, I've noticed something about you Megan."


"You and Peaches fucking in my stuff, was a power move. Assertion and Dominance plain and simple."

Suga bit her lip looking down taking her hand out of mine.

"Again, I'm sorry."

"I don't accept your apology."

"Why? I mean it."

"Because that's how you're going to apologize for the months of disrespect to me."

"I'm confused."

I grin and untie her robe before running my fingers over the exposed breast, stomach, and thighs.

"Go in my room and lay on the bed and arch up real pretty."

"I..I.. What...Excuse me?"

"I won't repeat myself, again. Go in my room, get on the fucking bed and arch that fat ass to the sky. You have 10 seconds."

"Huh? You're joking right?" Suga said laughing hysterically.

"10....9....8...7...You really think I'm joking? Go in the bedroom and we'll see what's funny."

"Bookie...come're trying to be dominate right now?" Suga said through laughs.

"3..2..If I get to 1, you're going to regret it."

4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now