Mother's Day Weekend 2

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Mama and I sat in the bedroom while she talked more about what she wanted to try with me. I didn't really know what to say and didn't really object since we hadn't tried it. She got out the three soft cotton diapers and cute covers and explained it all to me and how it could just unsnap and go potty like normal. I agreed to letting her try it and didn't know how to feel once it was on. It was thick and felt soft like a pillow. Mama saw my face and instantly laid me back and took off the diaper. She gave me my undies back and hugged me.

"Don't ever let anyone do something to you that you don't like. I can tell that you didn't like it and it's okay to tell me. I won't be disappointed."

"Sorry Mama, I didn't like it." I said quietly.

"It's okay. My other idea is this."

Mama got up and went in her closet before coming back with a pack of 'training underwear'. They were thicker than normal underwear but so cute with the patterns and prints. My eyes lit up and I nodded with a smile.


I was so happy that I thought of a Plan B, seeing Nicki agree to the new underwear made me happy. I was thankful I washed them beforehand because she asked to wear the pink ones. I helped her into them and she smiled looking at them before saying 'Perfect'. We hug and Nika and I sat on the bed again. She sat in my lap and I rubbed her back as the door opened and Peaches came in. She stripped and went into the bathroom to shower. Nika whined looking at the bathroom door and I tickled her getting her to laugh. I told her to wait until Peaches came out and decided to distract her. I had taken one of my nipple rings out so my Bookie could suckle without it hurting her mouth. She was happy laying on top of me latching on. She palmed the other breasts and we enjoyed the quiet before Peaches came out of the bathroom naked. She smiled and walked over and got on the bed with us. She smirked and proceeded to sit on my face. I wasted no time twirling my tongue up and down her walls. Nika unlatched and I felt her kiss me down my body before my skirt went up and her lips kissed my pierced clit. I was surprised and very excited that she felt comfortable to take initiative with me.

Peaches rode my tongue and lips to orgasm after orgasm while I had the same. By the time Rob came in. I was fucking Peaches with the big strap while her face was buried in Nika's pussy who was tied to the bed post and blindfolded. Rob walked out locking the door behind her. A little bit later, I was hungry and Nika was whining asking to be done before saying 'Starfruit'. Peaches and I stopped and we all got cleaned up and changed. It was perfect timing for dinner. Nika was feeling clingy and sat in my lap with her face buried in my plush sweater enjoying her pacifier. She went to sleep and Peaches and Rob both leaned over and told me 'Happy First Mother's Day' before kissing my cheeks. Mama Mo took a picture of the whole thing and I saved it as my screen saver.

I almost forgot Tems was there and was enjoying dinner and dessert. Nika woke up wanting Peaches so they went to the living room to have a nursing session while everyone else talked out on the patio. I was getting a second piece of cake when Tems came over to me. She hugged me and started crying before pulling away.

"I'm sorry about what I did to Nika. I didn't mean to put her on the spot, I was just jealous. You have two wives that love you and a Little that adores you and I just felt envious. I love Solo so much and I'm excited for our life together and our 'Little' I just hop she's like Nika."

"Tems that was really fucked up what you did but me and Nika both decided to move past it however, you still owe her an apology and a gift. I suggest a squishmellow and some shoes, she wears a 6."

"Sure, anything."

"Tems, I want you to know that me and Beyonce and Rob's relationship was like fireworks and we gelled instantly but me and Nika's was not. It was rough, she had to earn my trust, I had to get over my jealousy over her and Bey's relationship and had to find my place in her life. Having a Little isn't just diapering or nursing or playtime. You have to put in the work and know that it takes time and patience for someone to be vulernable in that way."

Tems wiped a tear and nodded.

"I know, I know. Solange's told me what she's been through and I'm just praying we can get someone whose a good fit for us."

"It's okay Tems, I'm sure it will work out. Just take it one day at a time."

"Thanks Meg, I appreciate this a lot."

Tems left the kitchen and Rob walked in and grabbed my ass. She smirked and gave me a kiss on the lips before speaking quietly.

"I'm proud of you Suga, I'm going to eat that pussy from the back by the pool later."

I laugh and take my cake and join everyone else. Nika was still latched to Peaches who was having some wine and talking to Mama Tina. I went out by the pool where the music was going and enjoyed my cake.


excuse all errors!



4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now