Snow 2

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Peaches POV:

Nika and I got ready for bed and soon Rob and Suga came in and I saw they were nice and high. We all got into bed and I read to Nika from my iPad, a romance novel we'd be reading for a few days. Lately with Nika not really wanting to do much, I've been reading to her and encouraging her to read to take her mind of things. Along with painting and us learning to sculp I've been helping her explore some interests all of which Dr. Aiko said 'Big' Nika was enjoying very much. Suga soon fell asleep and started snoring and Rob shook her head.

"We're taking her a Doctor for that when we get home. She needs a C-pap machine or something."

"I got her some nose strips actually." I say remembering I grabbed them at the airport.

I got up and went to my purse and grabbed them and applied them and it did seem to help lower the volume of it.

"...Sleepy." Nika said from behind her thumb.

"Baby, don't suck your thumb." Rob said taking it from her mouth.

Nika pouted upset and I quickly undid the one button that was keeping my pajama top together and laid next to her. I was dripping milk and had been a little too full all day. Nika missed a two nursing times because of the traveling. Nika snuggled in and latched, and I pulled her pink blankie up around her shoulders. Looking at Rob she smiled and quietly blew me a kiss while rolling over and rubbing my hand that was on Nika's back. She brushed my wedding ring set and looked at it for a moment before closing her eyes. Soon everyone was sleep and I was reading from my I-pad enjoying the quiet when I heard someone try to come in the basement. Rob had locked the door so try as the person did, they couldn't get in. They stopped after a few moments and I put my i-Pad down and carefully got up. I went up the stairs and unlocked the door to the first floor. I looked around and saw that all was as we left it, lights low, gas fireplace going, and snow falling outside. I went into the kitchen and saw a small blue baggie on the counter next to the blender that was out and had been used. The contents of the blender were rinsed out but it still had a scent of banana. I washed the blender cup again and put it in the dish rack before taking the blue baggie and going back to the basement. I locked the door and put the baggie on a table at the end of the stairs before washing my hands. I was getting back into bed when Rob spoke.

"Everything okay?"

"It's fine."

Rob pulled me into hug and pulled me on top of her. She rubbed my back nuzzled my neck before speaking quietly.

"My first love of my life. I love you and hope you feel the same from me. I love the life we built together. How do you feel?"

"I'm very happy Robyn."

"Good. Are you okay with seeing Solange?"

"I mean, it's what it is. I doubt she'll act up with all the parents around plus she looked sick. Like something is wrong with her sick."

"I noticed that too. We'll figure out what's wrong tomorrow."

I nod and yawn. Rob snaked her hand into my waistband and then onto my ass that was sporting some black silk boyshorts. I felt her grab them roughly and pull them up.

"Take these off Giselle!"

"Leave me and my panties alone." I scoff. "It's cold in here."

Rob grunted and spoke.

"Then I'll warm you up."

Rob sat up turned me over in her lap. She covered my mouth and slid her hand down the front of my pants. Her hand met my pussy with a hard swat and I jolted and cried out but it was muffled by her hand. Rob started to rub her fingers up and down getting my pussy juicy while speaking.

"You and these panties are going to be the death me Peaches. But I think you wear them because you want me to punish you."

I roll my eyes in annoyance and then pleasure as she started to slowly finger my pussy with two fingers while pressing her palm into my clit hard.

"Been a while since I gave you a proper fingering. My number two favorite sexual act. juicy. I love feeling you girl's pussies just suck my fingers up."

Rob went faster and faster and I shook as I was getting closer and closer to orgasming. Rob pressed my head back onto her shoulder and went crazy fast causing me to orgasm. She dug in deeper and rubbed my G-Spot with three fingers while giving me a big hickie on my neck. I couldn't hold back and started to squirt on her hand in spurts. Rob kept her pace, and I began to try to get up but it felt so good I didn't try too hard. But Rob stopped and pushed me forward onto the bed and yanked my pants and panties off in one movement before slamming into me and proceeding to fuck me into the mattress. I would have been crazy loud if she hadn't shoved my panties into my mouth. I felt Nika move and turned my head to see her latched onto Suga's boob sleeping. Suga was into a deep sleep as her snoring was more relaxed, so she wasn't going to wake up.

Rob leaned over and bit my ear before stopping and shooting ropes of cum into me. It was a lot and all over me. The sensation made me cream and I knew we'd have to wake the girls up to change the sheets.

We got and did the sticky walk to the bathroom to clean up before getting redressed. Rob just threw on a sweatshirt and shorts and I put on a night gown that had nursing flaps and my robe. We really did wet the bed up and Rob's spot was a wet mess. I rubbed Nika's back as she was still sucking on Suga's boob and got her to get up. I framed it as a quick potty trip and she went with me to the bathroom. Rob took a different approach to Suga and just pinched her nose closed until she jumped up ten seconds later. She was annoyed but Rob kissed her cheek and told her to get some water for her throat that was for sure dry. She nodded and went up to the kitchen. Rob and I quickly changed the sheets and put the old ones in the washer that was thankfully down with us.

Nika got back in bed and spoke quietly.

"...Can we have...muffins tomorrow?"

"Sure Baby, I'll have my Mom make some." Rob said sitting next to her.

Nika hugged Rob and Rob peppered her cheek with kisses before rubbing her thigh. She pulled Nika's nightgown up and we saw the pink bandaid on her thigh. Nika quickly pulled her nightgown down and I felt bad. Suga had a way to alert us to when Nika had a regular injury or a self with the use of the pink sparkly bandaids and stickers. Rob wrapped her arms around Nika and she just broke down crying. I sat next to her and we calmed her down. We told her that we loved her and wanted to keep her safe and happy. She nodded and Rob told her that we'd all talk tomorrow. Nika agreed and I got a wet washcloth to wipe her face and relax her. She seemed to like it when we rubbed her face with a cool rag when she was upset. Nika was soon calm and yawning and I laid down with her and let her latch to my other boob that was still full and Rob covered her with her pink fuzzy blanket as Suga came in with a glass of water and Mel who was yawning.

Mel asked if she could sleep down with us since her room was cold and couldn't get the heat to click on properly. Mel had the room in the back and the resort owner did say it got colder in that room if the wind was really blowing. Rob agreed and Mel went to curl up on the red chaise chair that was in the corner by the cozy warm fireplace.

Suga soon was asleep and snoring but thankfully it was on the 'low' setting of baby dragon and Nika went to sleep as well. I looked at Rob who was cozying herself into bed behind Nika and we caught eyes and smiled. I felt her rub my hand that was still lightly patting Nika's butt before we drifted off to sleep.


sorry for the slow updates! Been crazy busy. 

excuse all errors!



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