Sleep over 1

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Rob's POV:

I was relaxed and still had a buzz as I sipped my wine with dinner. Suga and Mama Tina cooked and it was a feast. BBQ chicken wings, steak tips in alfredo sauce with peppers, yellow rice, salad, and sweet potatoes. Solana and Kelly brought desserts from the bakery and Mel's fat ass already had a cupcake on her plate.

Glancing at the girls who were sitting at the extra table in the corner, they looked happy. Suga gave them the option of dinner or chicken nuggets and fries. They had a little of everything and had eaten twice with the exception of Nika who only had a portion of her food. It was strange that she wasn't hungry because I had done shot guns with her an hour before everyone showed up. I didn't want her to accidently burn her lips and using a bong wasn't happening.

Peaches rubbing my thigh made me look at her. We excused ourselves from the table and went into the kitchen.

"The weed doesn't seem like it did what you thought it would."

"It's not the weed Peaches, she's just sad and trying her best to engage. Let's excuse them to the playroom and let them paint."

Peaches watch went off and she silenced it as Nika came into the kitchen. Peaches grinned and said they'd be back in twenty minutes. Nika and Peaches went up to have quiet time and I washed my hands and went back to the table. Solana and had Ari in her lap eating while Kelly was talking to Normani who was at their table wiping tears. I walked over and kneeled next to Kelly and spoke quietly.

"What's the matter Pretty girl?"

"She just wants nursing time." Kelly said rubbing Normani's cheek.

"That's an easy fix, come with me."

I walked Kelly and Normani to the first guest room and turned on the low lights and told them to take as much time as they needed. Kelly thanked me and I closed the door. I went up to peak at Peaches and Nika who were lying on their special chair. Nika was suckling away and Peaches was rubbing her back and singing to her.

I went into our bedroom and checked the cameras outside as Suga came in. She closed the door and went into the closet before coming back out and walking over to me. I smiled as she turned around and bent over and twerked. Her black mini skirt came up and I saw her bare pussy. Suga giggled and I rolled my eyes with a smirk.

"Go ahead and tease me, I'm going to fuck you up later."

I slap Suga on both her ass cheeks before dragging my finger down her slit. If we didn't have company, I was going to work Suga over but she could wait. I left the room and went back to the dinner table. We were finishing up and the maid was clearing the table for desserts. Soon I was stuffed and Nika was up playing with girls. We all stepped out to sit at the patio by the fire pit with coffee or tea. It was the perfect January night, cold but not windy. We talked and joked for an hour before going in. Suga set up the movie and popped the popcorn and got the juices and for the girls. Everyone wrapped up on the couches in the blankets Peaches put out and I was surprised when Nika nestled up to Suga but happy. Peaches and I shared a blanket and I took full advantage of her being so close to her wrapped up.

My hand was sign language, throwing up the set, and twirling all over and in her pussy up her dress. It was funny as hell seeing Peaches try to control herself. We excused ourselves and cleaned up and Peaches decided to just take a shower and get changed into something else. Back in the kitchen, I got a cupcake and went back to sit for the movie. Nika came over and sat in my lap with the cute new pacifier Suga and Suga went upstairs. I rolled my eyes knowing she probably going to fuck Peaches in the shower.

Nika cuddled into my chest and soon was asleep. The movie wrapped up and Ari and 'Mani were asleep as well. I offered our guest the spare rooms and they agreed. Luckily they had overnight things with them so I just gave them extra blankets and the two guest rooms downstairs. Mel went to her room and went to bed and I woke Nika up and took her to bed. Nika and I shared a quick shower and changed into pajamas. Suga and Peaches finally came out of the bathroom wrapped in towels asking about our guests. I told them what happened as I yawned covering Nika and I with her fuzzy blanket. They finished getting ready for bed and Peaches went downstairs to get some water. Suga got in bed and smiled at Nika who was still lying on me. Suga took her pacifier and pecked Nika's lips a few times.

"I love you Bookie."

"I love you too."


"Uh-huh." Nika said yawning.

Suga cooed before kissing Nika again a few more times before giving her the pacifier back. Peaches came in and we got settled for bed. Nika and Suga soon went to sleep but Peaches and I stayed up talking before deciding to get some of the Hennessy that I brought for Suga. After two glasses we picked up where we left off and I fucked Peaches on the kitchen island. We cleaned up and went back to bed to see Nika curled up under Suga sucking her breast. I grinned quietly as we settled back into bed.

"Suga's going to end up lactating for her, watch."

Peaches giggled quietly as she left her pajamas shirt open and we went to sleep.


Nika's POV:

I woke up around 2 a.m. not being able to sleep. I carefully got up and went downstairs. Downstairs, Normani was coming out of one of the guest rooms. She smiled and took my hand asking if we could sleep in my room. I nodded and we went back into my room. In my room, we lay in bed looking at my stars projections on the ceiling cuddling my stuffies. I was surprised when I felt Normani cuddle into me.

"Nika, Do you like me?"


"No,like, like-like?"

"I'm confused."

Normani giggled and I sat up. She sat up and rubbed my cheek before kissing it softly.

"You're so pretty."

"...Thank too." I say nervously.

"Nika, Can you ask your Daddy something?"


"Can...we sleep together?"

"We are sleeping together."

"No, I meant sexually."


excuse all errors!


let me know if ya'll want that second part drop in a few.


4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now