Breakfast at Bey's

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Rob's POV:

I woke up with my alarm and was alone in bed. A stretch I got up to get showered and dressed. I heard the door close when I was in the closet getting dressed and peaked to see Nika sitting on the end of our bed.

"Hey Doll, I'll be out in a moment." I say slipping on my black slacks.

I tucked in my white dress shirt and walked out of the closet. I sat next to Nika and she smiled and spoke quietly.

"I like that perfume."

"I know, my Baby gave it to me. Now, you look like you want to talk, what's up?"

"Umm...I want a collar."

"Oh you do? Is it because you saw Normani and Ariana with one that you want one?"


"Well, Collars are supposed to be taken seriously, it's not just a necklace. But since we are already married the wedding ring you have means about the same I guess I could consider it.  I wouldn't be opposed to getting you one as your Dom. Let me look into it and we can get something that not outright a collar but softer, my Little is also one of my Queen's. The only thing I want around that neck are hickies or lip stick marks but something saying that you're mine would be interesting."

Nika nodded with a smile and I kissed her forehead. I hugged her and remembered something I wanted to ask her.

"Baby Doll, Did you ever find out what Mama wanted for Christmas?"

"Uh-huh." Nika said grinning.

"What was it?"

"It's a naughty word." Nika giggled again.

"It's okay, just tell me."

"A...fuck...fest. A two day orgy."

Nika fell out laughing on the bed and I laughed tickling her belly.

"Your Mama is funny, but if that's what she wants she'll get it. Now, you want me to wrap your arm so you can shower or do you want Mommy to do it."

"You can."

I helped Nika up and wrapped her cast in the plastic wrap and started the shower for her in our room. I grabbed her some clothes and left everything there for her before going downstairs. Downstairs, Suga was taking some blueberry muffins from the oven as Peaches wiped off the counter. Suga looked nice in a red skirt suit and Peaches looked cute in a red cropped sweater and black tights. I hugged and kissed them both and helped Suga finish up getting things ready. I heard Nika's phone ring out in the living room twice and went over to see who it was. It was 'Private' and I ignored the call. I looked back and saw that no one looking and decided to look through her phone. I know I told Peaches that I didn't want us to go through her but I had a gut feeling I needed to do it.

In her call history, nothing, a few calls to her Mom and a few calls to her from private numbers that she didn't answer. I went to her messages and saw that Solange had been messaging her. The last one she got confused me, it was just a three letters, K.Y.S? I scrolled up and read more, 'leave the family', 'you're not the right fit', 'you don't deserve Beyonce', 'Dreaming of when I get more milk', 'You're trending #1 on the porn site'.

I was disgusted but quickly realized that it wasn't likely that Solange was sending her this and it was Coi. I put her phone down as someone came behind me.

"You could have asked." Nika said quietly.

I turn as she turned and ran over to Peaches burying her face in her sweater. I ran over and apologized as my alarm went off for me to go. Peaches waved me off saying to have a good day and that we were going to have a 'family' meeting later. Suga gave Nika a pacifier that was on the counter and kissed her 'Goodbye'. I gave Nika a hug from behind and kissed her cheek and Peaches before leaving with Suga.

4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now