Making Plans 1

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Rob's POV:

Sitting in court I wasn't as annoyed today since I had a small body draped over my lap. I was running my fingers through Nika's fresh silk wrap as she quietly slept. She asked to come to work with me so I agreed. Peaches had to go handle business for Tina getting her situated with her return home and Doctor's care. She was doing better and kept apologizing to Nika. She wouldn't elaborate and Nika refused too so we were still in the dark until Suga spilled her grape soda on Nika at dinner last night and while hastily helping her out of the soaked shorts, we saw the bruises on her butt and upper thighs. I was livid! I had to leave the room and Suga had to tackle Peaches so she wouldn't leave the house to go kill her Mom. Peaches was angriest I had ever seen her it scared me a bit.

It took me and Suga holding her down and calming her down before she did. Peaches was reduced to tears on the floor and Nika had long ran up to her room.

Suga took Peaches in the bedroom and gave her a hot bath and comfort while I went to find Nika. Nika had grabbed her car keys and had left. I almost forgot she had a car or even drove since it had been so long since she drove herself anywhere. I quickly turned on my GPS locator and left the house after her grabbing an Uber.

Ending up at her parents, I felt sick of having to deal with them and sad that she left our house and didn't come to me. I didn't go in right away and sat on the porch. Since Nika's parent's weren't quiet and the screen door and windows were open, I heard everything.

            "Onika, you haven't been home in so long, I'm so glad to see you." Carol said.

            "I...I'm glad you're well Ma. Hello Dad."

            "What brings you buy? Didn't work out with that manipulative Judge? It's okay, you can come back to live, we'll have to charge you rent of course until you get married with Rihmeek. He's been waiting for you Onika, He's getting sick of not having you there to tend to him. A man needs his wife, cooking, cleaning, and having sex with him every night." Robert said.

            "I'm married to Beyonce and Robyn, Dad....I don't want to be with Rihmeek. I've never had and I told you that." Nicki said firmly.

            "If that's the case, why are you here? You wouldn't be here if something wasn't wrong with the relationship so what? They kicked you out?" Robert asked.

Jumping up I knocked on the screen door trim hard and opened it, going in. Inside, Nika had put on a t-shirt and joggers with her sneakers. She looked so sad, I felt so bad for her.

            "Nicki, you won the race. Ha! We were racing to see who would get here the fastest. Did you tell them the good news Baby?"

Nicki looked confused before looking at her hands and then her parents. I wrapped my arm around her waist and spoke.

            "We've decided to have a little get together soon, a nice party at a fancy restaurant, we'll send out more details as the day gets closer but we wanted to invite you personally Carol and Robert. Now, we hate to leave so soon but we wanted to get ice cream at the place down the road before they close, we'll see you later."

            "Goodbye!" Nicki said faking cheer. 'Big' Nicki was a pro at that.

We left he house quickly and I drove us down the street. I parked in a parking lot of a Wendy's and hugged Nicki. She immediately started to say she didn't want to talk about it and that she would get an Uber if I tried to make her talk about it.

I nodded and just asked if she was okay. She looked away and asked if Beyonce was okay. I said that she was but was just hurt that something had happened and she wasn't telling us. I told her that it wasn't fair since we always talked about what was bothering us. I told her I knew something was wrong when she came in from the barn that day all disheveled and dirty. I told her to trust us and to talk to me since I was legally her wife and wanted to support her. Nicki sighed and quickly blurted it out.

4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now