Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

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Peaches POV:

It was long two days of on and off flights and a hotel stay in between. But we were finally in Barbados in our family home. Rob's mom, Monica lived in her own home on the property and took care of both our houses for us. It was large estate with easy beach access. We got in late and literally all fell asleep until this mid-morning. I felt for Nika who was lying on me but had all but disappeared. Rob and Suga were still knocked out sleep, so I slowly got up and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before going to look for my Baby.

I saw a light in the kitchen and walked over and saw Mel eating and looking at her phone. Rob's Mom, Monica or Mama Mo was standing to the stove stirring what smelled like beef stew.

I walked over and hugged Mama Mo before turning to Mel.

"Hey Mel, have you seen my Baby?"

"No, I haven't seen Tink. I can help you look for her."

"Bey, she's outfront sitting on the swing." Mama Mo said quietly not looking up.

I furrow my brow and nod before walking to the front of the house. I heard Nika's small voice and stood back to listen. I could see her holding her little lion saying she was nervous about meeting Mama Mo because she was scared that she wouldn't like her in person. I heard her sniffle and she mentioned that my Mom was still mad at her and that she wished she didn't tell us that my Mom hurt her since it made us not want her around my Mom and that she missed her. I sigh quietly feeling bad that she wasn't lying. We'd been keeping my Mom away from Nika just to minimize her feeling upset at her visits. Mel grabbing my ass made me jump. I turn covering my mouth and Mel silently laughed.

"Ass still soft, why are you hiding from Tink?"

"I was listening to her; she's scared of meeting Mama Mo."

"Why? They've talked before."

"Over the phone is different than in person, I guess. I didn't know she was struggling with this or with my Mom...Gosh Mel, I've let so much move past me."

I cover my face feeling bad and wanting to cry. Mel put her hands on my shoulders and squeezed them moving me back a little before talking.

"Bey, you can't be everything and everywhere. That's why you have Rob and Meggy. You're a good Mommy, but she's not going to tell you everything and same for the rest of them. But you can address this because you're going to be here for a whole week and Mama Mo really wants to love on her new 'daughter/ Baby' so deep breath and tell Nika that all the Mama's love her and Mama Mo wants to get to know her especially before the holidays."

I nod and hug Mel before letting her go and going out to the porch. Nika looked startled to see me before hugging her lion. I sat next to her and gave Nika a kiss on the cheek and held her for a moment. I quietly talked with her, reassuring her that it'll be okay and that my Mom had wanted to see her soon and just wanted to give her space to feel better. Nika nodded understanding before Mama Mo came out. She smiled and sat across from Nika and spoke quietly.

"That's such a nice lion, does it have a name?"


"Oh, such a cute name. I know it must be overwhelming to be meeting in person verses over the phone, but I hope we can have some fun together while you're here."

Nika nodded biting her lip and not looking up. She wiggled her toes and Mama Mo reached down and rubbed the top of her foot.

"Such soft pretty feet you have." Mama Mom said making Nika grin.


"You're always home when you come here and anytime, you're with me. Bey, I'm going to the store to get somethings. Text me if you want something special."

4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now