Best Friends 1

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(I'm back! sorry for the wait, sinus infections suck.)

Nika's POV:


I was sitting next to my Mom and Dad in the restaurant, I felt my phone ring with a text from my best friend Lauren. It was my 'cue' text that she was sending me to get away from dinner with my family. A poor attempt to show that they were sorry and wanted to move past things, but Dad's Boss joined us and friends. Dad and Mom were wrapped up talking thankfully so when I mention it to my mom and show her my phone, she waved me off and told me to make sure I was home by curfew like I wasn't just gone from it for weeks before moving with Robyn and the ladies. I left the restaurant and walked down the block to the little café on the corner where Lauren was waiting with her boyfriend Nipsey. Nipsey whispered something to Lauren as I walked in and she nodded and smiled.

Sitting with Lauren and Nipsey, I felt a weird vibe but just shook it off. The smell of yummy hot cocoa and cookies made me want some. I spoke to Lauren and Nipsey and they both stood and told me to come on. I didn't want to go since I wanted hot chocolate and felt my 'Little' self-want to throw a tantrum, but I held back.

In the car, I sat in the back riding towards the sketchy part of town. I felt nervous as I knew that nothing good happened downtown after 8 pm. Nipsey did a few 'drops' and I was ready to bail after the last one. The men and women were getting creepier and creepier. I asked to go home, and Lauren nodded to Nipsey. Nipsey drove for all of 5 minutes before we were pulled over. I was feeling sick on the stomach as the police came up t the car. I was shocked when Lauren threw a baggie on my lap saying that it was the 'last of it' and that 'I won't get time'. I barely got it off of me and pressed into the back pocket of the seat next to me as the flashlights hit us. After a quick check we were thankfully let go in favor of them going to a domestic call.

I was in tears bawling that Lauren did that as we pulled away. Three blocks down, I jumped out of the car. It hurt hitting the pavement and I almost got ran over by the back wheel but I knew I needed to get away.

They kept going saying I was being dramatic, and I slowly got up and walked behind a building. I saw a grocery store and went over there and sat to call Robyn.

It had only been a few days at her house, and I lied to her and the girls over the reason I wanted to leave tonight. I wasn't supposed to see my parents and for sure not Lauren and Nipsey. I was only supposed to go get my nails done and go see my cousin Tae and get my hair done and chill until she picked me up in the morning.

As much as I knew she would probably yell at me, I just needed to hear her voice and have her come get me now. I could barely hold it together as the call connected and she answered.

"Baby, What's up?"

" get me Daddy?" I reply quietly slipping in my Little space.

"Sure my Baby, Can I ask if you're okay?"

"No..." I reply feeling my body beginning to feel the effects of jumping out of a car a 30 mph.

"Okay. Where are you?"

I pull my phone away and send her my location on 'Maps' before putting the phone back to my ear.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I just want to make sure you're safe. Mommy and I are on our way."

There was rustling before Mommy took the phone and spoke quietly with me to relax me before the pulled up. I was shocked she got there so fast or Mommy must have put my mind on her enough, I hadn't noticed that time pass. In the truck, Daddy parked in the parking lot and just held me with Mommy in the backseat while I confessed my wrongdoing. Daddy let me speak before telling me that she was just happy I was safe and that I shouldn't see Lauren or Nipsey again along with my Mom and Dad. My Dad's Boss during dinner had touched me inappropriately and I totally glossed over it in favor of not making a scene.

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