Phone Games 2

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2 part :)

Rob's POV:

"That's problematic as fuck that Coi said that some Little's were 'ungrateful' and using their Mommies and needed to be in psych wards. Now, I know she didn't say Nika's name directly but truly, who else could she be talking about. Plus, what happened at the Halloween party was fucked up."

"I know Rob, I talked to Solange about Halloween and she pushed it off as Coi being drunk and just comfortable with me. I didn't think about it again because come on, men and women throw themselves at me all the time. But, now, I see that it could be a thing."

"Yes, it's a thing. Our Baby still feels insecure about us. I don't want to take this to the moon but for a while, let's not put them together and be mindful of being alone with Coi. She could accuse of stuff and make it worse."

"Alright. I wanted to talk to Solange but that's a conversation best had in person."

"I agree."

"What about her family? We need to get Nika a new number."

"I would just advise her to block their numbers now. One fire at a time please."

Peaches nodded and got up and went into the kitchen and I decided to have a smoke on the back patio.


Two weeks later, 2 days before Thanksgiving-

Nika's POV:

I was sitting in my room, trying to avoid everyone. Family had come in for Thanksgiving and today Mama and Daddy's family were over for the lunch/dinner. I was heavy into my 'Little' space as of late to help with stress. I felt sick on the stomach and my arm was aching after my Doctor's appointment with it this morning. 6 more weeks for sure in my cast. With everyday that passed, I was nervous about real Thanksgiving with Mommy's family and seeing Coi again. I didn't want to mess up another holiday. I was brushing the fur on my lion when the closet door opened and Mommy stepped in. She looked so pretty in her mint green two piece. Daddy had dressed in a tube top and bear pinafore since my arm made it hard to wear most things.

Mommy sat next to me and closed the closet door. She put her arms around me and held me.

"My Baby is hiding away, can't have that. Too much going on out there huh?"

I nod. Mommy gave me a soft smile and cupped my face and kissed my lips lightly.

"You're my beautiful, special, Baby. Never let yourself or anyone else feel that you aren't. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Mommy's watch beeped the special sound that meant our nursing time and I instantly felt better. Nursing time was our time and she gave me all of her attention during it. Mommy grinned silencing her Apple watch and stood. She helped me up and walked us over to the nursing chair. We laid down and adjusted for my hurt arm and I pushed up her crop top and latched me on. It was nice and quiet for a few moments before the door opened and Solange came in. She closed the door and sat on end of the nursing chair. I started to pull away from Mommy but she pulled the pink muslin blanket next to us over my head and her torso.

"Bey, I'm sorry to cut in to your time but I need to talk to you."

"What's up Solo?"

"I think up to something."

"In what way?"

"Well, I know what I know but I would like to know what's been going on with Nika. In putting some things together, I've noticed a pattern and it's concerning."

4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now