Go Slow

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Megan's POV:.

I loved lunch with my girls and even more so loved the afternoon delight that I got after Nika went to sleep. I took Bey to my desk and I put her on it and slid up her skirt. She had on black lace panties, and I shook my head and spoke lowly.

"Big Mama, why do you have these on?"

"Because, unlike our Baby, I can't not wear underwear. I feel naked without them."

"You're lucky Rob wasn't here to see this. She'd have you ass literally. But lucky you, I just want that pretty pussy." I wink.

I spread her legs and untied the strings to her pretty underwear and tucked them in my desk. Putting her arms behind her back I helped her lay back and sat. I smiled at the gold ball piercing I gave her years ago on her hood. I had an affinity for piercings and tats and did work at a local shop where I got to pierce clits, nipples, and tongues all the time. But my favorite were the ones I gave my loves. Beyonce let me pierce her belly button and clit but not her nipples since she lactated and didn't want to fuck that up. Rob let me tat her up and pierce her belly button.

I licked my lips and rubbed her honey colored thighs and kissed where I touched. I trailed my tongue against her piercing the flesh between before whipping it back fast. I used the tip of my tongue to press it on it and tap it. Beyonce moaned quietly and I stopped.

"Wake her up if you want Big Mama, she's going to lose her shit." I whispered looking at my Bookie who was curled up on the couch sleep.

"My Bad." Bey said quietly with a giggle.

I turned my attention back to her center and started to lick again. I curled my tongue and curled my finger inside of her and started to stroke. My hand was instantly soaked and I smiled seeing her body shake on the desk. I sped up my tongue feeling her walls clench my fingers. Her thighs closed with me between them as my mouth was flooded with her juices. Her walls pulsated on my fingers as I moved them faster stretching out her orgasm. She started to pull away and I grinned.

"Don't run on me now. You were being so cold to me yesterday all because I broke your phone."

"You threw it because you thought my ex texted me!" Bey growled.

"That fuck nigga did, We've told you to get a new number."

I let her up and lick my fingers in her face. Bey reached for her panties and I closed the drawer.

"Mine." I say with a smirk.

Beyonce rolled her eyes and I grabbed her around the neck and squared my body up with hers. She was lucky we weren't at home near my 'correction' tools. I leaned in and kissed her deeply. Her hands landed on my hips and she gripped me as I tried to pull every drop of oxygen from her lungs and replace it with mine from my body. Feeling her pull away I stopped and broke our kiss. I pushed her head back and licked her neck before suckling on it and biting it. Bey started moaning and I stopped.

"You forgive me Big Mama? I'll buy you a new phone after work."

"I want the new yellow Iphone, clear case, protection and for us to finish this later."

"Anything for you Big Mama." I said with my little country twang.

I let her down and she pulled her black skirt down. She turned to walk away and I wrapped my arms around her.

"Thank you for my lunch and dessert. I'll bring dinner home for us."

"No need, I ordered it already. Baby wanted beef ribs and Caesar salad."

4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now