I spy

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Nika's POV:

Mama and Daddy yelling about Poptarts woke me up at one point in the afternoon before I fell back to sleep. The second time I woke up I felt really hungry when I got up to tell Daddy I wanted to eat. I was down at the kitchen when I heard something drop, rounding the corner I saw Daddy with her hand around Mama's throat with a slick grin on her face. I was frozen in fear. Daddy kissed Mama deeply and started to take her up against the counter. I didn't even notice that Mama was naked barely covered by her robe and Daddy the same. I stood there while Daddy quickly pumped and pumped until they both orgasmed. It was very aggressive and side I hadn't seen of Daddy before, and I didn't know what to make of it. But watching them reminded me of Rihmeek and the Target situation. His rough ashy hand wrapped around my precious neck was not too be forgotten easily especially when it felt like he could snap it with a flick of his wrist. I got cold chills all over my body and my once hungry stomach was turned inside out. I promptly threw up on the floor in front of me getting both theirs attention. Luckily Mommy came around the corner and took me away. In my room, she helped me clean up and gave me something for my stomach. Sitting on my bed, Mommy rubbed my stomach in small circle and spoke.

"What's wrong Baby?"

"...I...saw Daddy choke Mama."

Mommy's face fell and she frowned before losing it. She kissed me on my neck where my old bruises used to be and spoke quietly.

"They were having sex weren't they?"

"Yes. Mama wasn't scared. She liked it, Why?"

"Because she's a freak."

I held Laila tighter and Mommy sighed and moved closer.

"Why would she like that? It hurts."

"Sometimes there are things that people like that turn them on. Mama likes to be choked during sex, or whipped, or to be bitten, within reason of course, we're not zombies. But some people like a bit of pain when they have sex or to cause it. With me, she likes to push my limits, orgasms back-to-back or sensory overload. She worked me up gently and now I can take most of anything she throws at me. I can see how walking in on them can cause you to feel a way."

I nod still feeling so mixed up about what I saw and about my appointment earlier.



Daddy woke me up early and I was cranky but she gave me a sucker to have as we got ready. I wasn't in the mood for a dress or skirt so she put in a t-shirt and jogging pants with my Jordans. She got dressed the same and left with me. In the truck, she held my hand the whole ride which made me so sleepy. I was falling asleep sitting in the empty reception of the cold wing of the hospital and wanted to go home but luckily some nice lady came over and wrapped me in a warm blanket and talked to me. Daddy excused herself to the hall and the lady who now introduced herself as a therapist, Dr. Jhene, asked some questions before asking if I had been feeling sad and sleepy. I even yawned telling her 'Yes''. I had been so tired as of late.

I rested my eyes as Dr. Aiko went out to talk to Daddy and then they both came back to me and a Nurse came over. She escorted all of us into a medical office and prepped my arm to take blood. Daddy held me tight and comforted me during and after the blood draw and subsequent iron shot to help combat the anemia my body was going through.

Soon, I was okay to leave and Dr. Jhene said she'd see me in a week to see how I felt. Riding home after stopping at the drug store and I was ready to sleep and wanted Mommy to sleep with me. Luckily, she was home and waiting on the couch. Cuddling with her in bed while having my milk, I felt sad still but not as much. Dr. Aiko told me to find one thing a day that made me happy and focus on that.

This moment of closeness with Mommy, made me happy.


End of Flashback


Present time:

Mommy pressed me into her breasts and rubbed my back as Daddy walked in. I heard her grumble 'Go away' to Daddy before she rubbed my arm and sat next to me. Daddy asked to be alone with me but I declined, shaking my head. I quickly stood and spoke quietly.

"I want to be alone"

I left the room and went down to the loft on the third floor and locked the door. I closed my eyes sitting on the bed in there and tried to decompress. My phone vibrating in my pocket scared me for a moment and I pulled it out. It was an unknown number so I didn't answer it but soon a text came through.

'Best friend, Nicki, I need you.'


excuse all errors!

sorry it's short, been busy, I'll go for longer word count next chptr.



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