The Brat 1

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*sorry 4 the wait, super busy*

Peaches POV:

After Rob and Suga left, I asked Nika if she had breakfast. Nika nodded before walking to the door and standing. I chuckle and tell her to give me a moment before going to get my purse, Mom tote, and phone. I put my gold Uggs on that paired nicely with my cream sweater and jeans. I grabbed my coat and put on the alarm and locked the door. In the truck, I was helping Nika buckle her seatbelt when I took another moment to apologize.

"Look at me Baby, I'm sorry. I know we said no more littles but seeing you with Ari and 'Mani made me wonder what it would be like and if it would make you happier. I won't bring it again okay? Things will stay as they are. Just Mommy and Nika spending the days together. I love you."

Nika looked at me hard before mumbling that she loved me too from behind her pacifier. I grinned and pulled it out of her mouth and kissed her making her whine.

"Someone's in a bratty mood today."

I gave Nika her pacifier back and closed her door. Jumping in the driver side, I started the truck and got my phone hooked it up before leaving. Nika took a nap while I was driving giving me time to call my Mom and make sure she was up to company. Mom said she missed Nika too and told me to stop by. Finally in the city an hour later, I took Nika to the nail shop.

In the nail shop, we had on facemasks so she wasn't too bad since she had her pacifier but in the toy store, that was a different story. She was looking at the toy cars and got excited about a Barbie Jeep. She sat in it and almost got stuck and asked me to get it. I immediately said 'No' and pointed out that she was big for it. Nika frowned and crossed her arms before speaking.

"I want it!"

"It's too small, besides 'Big' Nika has a real pink Barbie truck. Now, how about we go look at the stuffies."

Nika sighed before standing and getting out of the toy.

"Good girl, you listened."

Nika blushed before running off to the next aisle. In the aisle, it was full of stuffies and bears. She squealed looking around at them and soon picked them up and took about thirty minutes deciding but changing her mind saying she wanted something else. Looking at the Legos she asked for a set so we could have something to do together. I agreed and we got one for us and a different one for Suga and Rob to do. I checked out as my watch went off. Nika grabbed my hand and dragged me to the truck excitedly. I was relieved since my breasts were aching.

We were in the backseat for a while and I think Nika just wanted to be alone with me because after finishing she held on and just suckled playing with my hair. My phone got a few texts from Suga and Rob about what they wanted for lunch and I felt my own stomach grumble.

Nika and I finally got up and she started to dig in the trunk at the bags from the toy store. She got out the receipt and looked at it before putting it back.

"Something wrong?"

"I want more stuff."

"Okay, what do you want?"

"I don't know."

"Well, I can't get you what you don't know that you want."

"Mommmyyyy...." Nika whined.

"No whining, whiny girls don't get what they asked for." I said sternly trying to hide my smirk due to the reemergence of the bratty side.

Nika stuck her tongue out and I ignored it and got out of the back seat. I pointed to her seat and she crossed her arms and shook her head. She stuck her tongue out again and I quickly grabbed it.

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