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Beyonce's POV:

Before I could pull up what happened, Nicki fell behind my Mom. We went over and she instantly started crying as we helped her sit up. The cord from the vacuum was wrapped around her ankle and Nika had fallen on the against the reclaimed wooden coffee table. She was holding her arm close to her body and I felt so bad. My Mom asked if she hit against the table or on the floor and she painfully pointed to the table with her other hand. We helped Nicki up off the floor and I asked if she could move her fingers, or her arm and she said 'Numb' before burying her face in my chest. My Mom got our shoes and my purse, and we left the house. Luckily, Mom had come with her driver, so he took us into town. I hated that we lived so far away now as Nika's arm was so swollen when we finally got to the hospital.

There, Nika got taken back and X-rayed and I texted Rob and Suga about what happened and I was surprised when the Doctor said Nika had fractured her arm. After some injections of pain meds through an IV in her other arm, Nika was taken back to get it splinted and put in a sling. I wasn't allowed to go with her, and I felt bad but thankfully Rob called me and it helped me calm down. Nika finally got wheeled back to us and she was calm but looked medicated. I wrapped her fuzzy blanket we brought with us around her and the Doctor went over the after care with us and new scripts before we were allowed to leave. Mom had to get back home, so I got an Uber over to Suga's office. At Suga's office, she was typing at her desk but quickly stopped and sat on the couch with Nika and I. She cuddled Nika as both our stomach's grumbled.

"Awww, my girls are hungry. I'll have my assistant grab us something to eat."

Suga got up and left her office and Nika climbed into my lap and put her head on my shoulder. She whined that she wanted her 'Daddy' and that her arm hurt. I undid my wrap sweater enough that my breast was exposed. Nika's soft suckles replaced her sniffles and Suga came back in with some water and locked the door.

"Hey, I ordered lunch from across the street, should be here soon."

"What did you order?"

"Fried Chicken. I'm so sorry that I couldn't get out of work to be with you."

"It's okay, my Mom was with me."

Suga walked over and kissed Nika's cheek before kissing me deeply. Her phone rang and she went over to answer it. She talked and used her computer for a while as I relaxed on the couch and finally remembered what my Mom told me about before Nika fell. I pulled out my phone and saw that Coi posted some random thoughts to her wall. How some 'Little's were grateful for what they had and used their Mommies and needed to be in psych wards.

I put my phone up as Suga went to the door and opened it for our food and locked it again. I carefully put Nika on the couch and sat with Suga to eat. More so, I ate and Suga had her hand up my skirt fingering me and her lips on my neck suckling and kissing. I appreciated her attempt to make me feel better and to finish what she started when she kissed me earlier. Suga and I cleaned up and she ate. Nika woke up and Suga sat with her and offered her lunch and she declined. Poor thing cried her eyes out that her arm hurt and that she wanted Rob. Suga pulled out her phone and texted Rob who texted back that she was in court.

Suga went her desk and came back over with a cute new pacifier. It was pink and had pink gemstones all over it and the strap and clip. She gave it to Nika and put her back to sleep. I wanted to talk to Solange so I stepped out and gave her a call.


"Hey Bey, I'm at the airport, my connection is super spotty. What's up?"

"...Where are you going?"

"Coi and I are going to Bahamas for two weeks, a little relaxation and work for me. I get creative out there."

"Oh, have fun Solange. Call me later when you have some downtime?"

"Sure thing. Love you."

"Love you too."

Solange's call failed and the phone hung us up. I put my phone up and went to look at Coi's post to see that it was gone. Time limit, expired. I mentally cursed for not showing it to Suga since we hadn't even talked about it. I went back in and Suga went back to work, and I took a nap with Nika until it was time for her to get off.

Suga and I left her job with a sleepy Nika in tow and met Rob in the parking lot. She gave us all kisses and talked with Nika for a moment before we got in the truck. In the truck, Nika asked for something cold to drink and Rob went through a drive through and got us all milkshakes and slushies before heading home. At home, I was thankful Mom brought us a pot of chili this morning and cornbread because it was just a quick heat and eat.

Suga went to shower and Rob took Nika to her room and I put the vacuum away. I started to boil water and made hot chocolate for Nika. I was so happy, I didn't burn anything! I was looking for the shortbread cookies and took the cup and cookies up to Nika.

In Nika's room, Rob was cuddling her and giving her sweet pecks on the lips. 'I love them.' I thought as I put the cookies and cup down. I sat with them for a bit before Suga came in dressed in pajamas ready for dinner. We all went downstairs with the exception of Rob who went to take her shower. Nika sat on the couch and started to watch TV as Suga reheated the chili and cornbread. I got some lemon water and Suga pulled me close and spoke quietly.

"I saw what Coi posted."


(needed to go somewhere so sorry for the cut off! promise.)

excuse all errors!


another chptr later? 


4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now