An Understanding

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Sitting for dinner, Tina had left to give us space to talk but we ate in silence. Peaches and Suga cleaned up and I took Nika into the living room to wait and to talk for moment. Sitting on the floor, she put her blanket around her and I put my glass of wine on the side table.

"I'm sorry...I'm messing everything up Rob. I hate this. I'm sorry that I made a big deal of Beyonce and Megan having sex around the house. The shouldn't have to hide in the bedroom because of me."

I was surprised Nicki said that and felt bad she wasn't in her headspace but maybe now, Peaches and Suga would take her seriously when she said she didn't like them violating her shit.

Reaching over, I rubbed her cheek and a lone tear that fell.

"It's okay, It's not right and you don't like it because if you did, you wouldn't feel so strongly about it. You have a right to your things too."

"I hate arguing." Nicki replied looking down.

"I know, we won't yell but it's important to talk when things gets hard right? Healthy relationships depend on open communication and compromise as well as respect. You aren't being respected."

"I guess."

"Nicki, you're 20, I understand that we're older but you're an adult and deserve to be treated as such."

Nicki grabbed my hand for a moment as Peaches and Suga came over and sat with us on the floor. Peaches instantly scooted next to Nicki and Suga sat next to me with a full glass of wine and 4oe who was sleeping.

"Okay, First, I want Suga to speak and then we'll go from there." I say calmly.

"Well, I don't know why it's such a big deal that Peaches and I have sex where we want? I thought maybe you'd join in Nika, you feel the most comfortable in your space." Suga said sipping her wine.

"That's not what it's for." Nicki said quickly.

"Oh, you aren't in your headspace, okay. This makes it easy, Nicki, I like having sex and I'm sorry that it seems to happen in or around your stuff but you have to understand, I don't like being restricted in my own home and if Peaches is bent over your bed making it, or cleaning your playroom, or vacuuming your tiny home and I get turned on and want to fuck, I want to be able to do that verses saying, 'Hey Babe, let's go to the bedroom.' We clean up after ourselves."

Nicki sighed and I just looked upside Suga's head because I just couldn't understand the logic. Peaches cleared her throat and spoke.

"So, your upset at not being able to have free reign sex in the house because you feel stifled by it?"

"Yes, when I want to buss down some pussy, I'm not thinking about where I am at the moment. I'm in the comfort of my home."

"Okay, I think I can rectify this, I have a clearer head when we have sex, I'm going to start redirecting you to another room or space. Suga, we have to be considerate and this can be the start."

Suga shrugged her shoulders and sipped her wine and Nika frowned before standing up.

"You're not even going to try are you! I always had so little and I always had to share and now that I get my own room and space, you can't even be bothered to not have sex there? You know I'm working on getting more comfortable with sex and finding my voice with speaking up for myself. You're my girlfriend, you're supposed to want me to grow and be happy but you're being selfish!"

"Says the one whose curled up with Peaches 24/7 sucking her tits. Don't get it twisted, I don't mind it but when I come home and want to spend time with my wife, I can't because you're under her. You guys get 9 hours of alone time Monday through Friday, excuse me if I want to have some time with Beyonce."

The room fell silent and it clicked for me and for Peaches who got the realization look on her face.

"Megan, you feel like you don't get enough time with Beyonce and that you have to reclaim it and in doing so, you're subconsciously spiting Nicki's stuff in the process."

Suga looked surprised for a moment before hanging her head. Nicki rubbed her face and walked over and sat next to Suga. Suga surprised me and started to cry. Nicki hugged her and told her that she was sorry that Suga felt jealous and that she'd make sure that she gave them space and time to be together at night. I really didn't like that idea because it wasn't addressing the issue but knew that letting Nicki try to smooth things over was good for her and I would wrap this up better after the fact. Peaches watch went off and Nicki subtly shook her head 'No' and Peaches finished my wine that was on the table.

Nicki comforted Suga for a few more moments before she got up to go to the bathroom. Peaches cleared her throat and spoke.

"Suga, I love you but we're going to nip this in the bud. I will adjust my nursing schedule and we'll make a scheduled time for FaceTime during the day and at night, we'll have one hour of uninterrupted time with each other when you come home, after dinner. I know you aren't trying to act on your jealously but this explains a lot and I don't blame you for being jealous, Rob gets jealous too but we've learned how to talk it out. Rob also is going to get a lock for the playhouse, playroom, and Nika's room. Her space is her space, you have the attic space for your painting and music and none of us have stepped a foot in there because we respect you. I love you and I know you love me maybe even a little more than Nika and Rob and that's okay but you have to show us all respect. I'm scheduling us all for couples therapy again. Now, I am extremely full and would like to connect with my Baby after not being with her all day, I hope you can understand that."

"I understand Peaches, I'm sorry....I didn't mean to let it get this far." Suga said with regret in her voice.

"I know, I'm sorry there is only one me to go around but sharing is caring and I don't love you any less."

Peaches leaned over and kissed Suga on the lips before getting up to be with Nicki. Suga looked at me and apologized and I nodded before grabbing her thigh.

"Go to the playroom, I want to have some fun." I reply.

I wanted to preoccupy Suga with my dick down her throat and give Peaches and my Baby space to talk. As much as I was the leader in the relationship, Beyonce was the 'Big Mama' and flexed that very well on all of us.


excuse all errors!

thoughts/ comments??


4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now