The Birthday Girl

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Nika's POV:

I couldn't sleep, I alternated between latching on and off of Mommy and Mama before settling on lying with my head on Daddy's chest. My anxiety was getting the best of me which was weird since my medicine was working but today it wasn't. The sun streaming in hurt my dry eyes. I had maybe 5 hours of sleep and I needed more. Mommy and Mama got up on the horny side of the bed and was loudly having sex in the shower when Daddy woke up. She got up and went into the bathroom and told Mama to gag Mommy so they'd keep it down. She hated being woken up by loud noises.

I went to the bathroom in my room and brushed my teeth and took a shower. I put on my robe and got in my bed. I had no energy and couldn't see myself going to sleep. Daddy came in and sat next to me and grabbed the lotion and rubbed me down. I was happy to be off my period and did like the pink panties she gave me to wear. She helped me put on the matching bra and a pink sweater and dark gray tights. She rubbed my feet before she got lost looking at them for a moment before asking if I wanted to sleep. I nod and turned over in bed burying my face in my pillow.

I couldn't sleep more than a few minutes at a time after Daddy left the room. I was falling asleep again when I felt someone touch me. Drowsily I looked up and saw Mommy putting the back of her hand against my forehead. I closed my eyes, and I felt the bed dip and Mommy joined me cuddling me as I fell asleep again.


Peaches POV:

I felt bad for Nika and was doubting our plans for later seeing that she wasn't really in a good mood today but Rob assured me that it would be fine. I cuddled her for a while as she napped before getting up and going down to the large dinning room. Through the French doors, we had set up a small pink tea party. We had cake, finger foods on ice, cookies, a crock pot of party meatballs, and kettles with hot water for tea. Suga was blowing up the last of the balloons as Rob and Mel adjusted the tables and chairs. The doorbell rang and I walked over and opened it for my Mom and Dad. We hugged and they brought in her gifts and my Mom asked to see the Birthday girl. I told her that Nika was sleep and she nodded pulling me into the kitchen.

"I'm so sorry for what Solange and Coi have been doing. I don't understand it Bey, Solange is normally so level headed, it's like she's a different person."

"I feel bad for her too but until she gets it together, she can't be around Nika."

"I understand, Is Nika excited for her party?"

"It's a surprise. I'm hoping that she'll be happier with more sleep."

"She will. Are you still thinking about getting another Little?"

"No. She likes 'Mani and Ari so much that I don't think I'll have worry about her being lonely anymore."


My Mom and I hugged and Nika came in just her underwear and bra. She was rubbing her eye and holding Laila. I asked where her clothes were and she said she was hot. My Mom let me go and hugged Nika wishing her a happy birthday. Nika smiled and told my Mom thanks as my watch went off for nursing time. Nika got a huge grin and I knew she was definitely in a good mood. My Mom went to look at the food while I took Nika up to our bedroom. I laid on the bed and Nika put on her on my chest and latched on. It was quiet until Rob came in dragging Suga behind her.

"'s quiet time." I reply quickly.

"Don't worry. It'll be quiet." Rob said going into the closet.

"What's going on?" I ask.

Suga smirked and shrugged her shoulders and I knew she was getting on Rob's nerves. Rob came out of the closet with a ball gag and wrist binds. Both me and Suga's eyebrows went up and Rob directed Suga to get on the bed. She did and Rob bound her wrist to the headboard and gagged her. Nika and I both looked on confused until Rob spoke.

4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now