Peach Cobbler 1

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Peaches' POV:

It was a few days before Nika's birthday and she expressly told me she didn't want anything. She didn't want a party or for us to make a fuss since it just seemed like the sky fell down every time she had something centered around her.

Looking back in my rearview mirror, Nika was asleep curled up against the big purple unicorn that Suga got her for car rides. We just left Dr. Aiko office and she said Nika was doing better and 'Big' Nicki talked to her for a while about her stressors. She was still upset about her appointment and that her arm was hurting but it was nothing a twenty minute cuddle and nursing session the back seat couldn't fix, effectively putting her to sleep.

I pulled into the parking lot at Rob's job next to her truck where she was waiting texting on her phone. I had her lunch and Suga's since they both couldn't get away for too long to grab it today and I was in the area at Dr. Aiko's. Rob opened my door and gave me a hug and kiss before asking me about my day so far and taking the bag of food that was for her. She walked over to Nika's door and opened it enough to slide in. She hugged Nika and gave her a big kiss on the cheek before closing her door. She got a page, so she left to her office waving at me. I left and drove the block to Suga's building. I found a shaded spot and parked and Suga soon came out. She smiled at me, walking up to my window.

"Hey Peaches, Bookie in the back?"

"Of course."

Suga grinned running over to Nika's door and opening it. She squealed lightly at the sight before leaning in and pulling the pink pacifier from her mouth and kissing her lips a few times before putting it back in. She closed the door and walked back to my door and opened it a bit and stood on the side bar. She undid my seatbelt and gave me hug before kissing me and plunging her tongue into my mouth.

I was surprised for a second but quickly matched her tongue flicks and wiggles. Suga's hand slid between my thighs and her fingers pressed onto my clit. She rubbed in taut, quick circles making me wet. I moaned in her mouth and started to pull away but her pointer and middle finger curled up inside of me and pressed on my g-spot so hard, I froze. Pleasure shot up and down my body and Suga broke the kiss.

"I've been thinking about my Peach cobbler all day. I'm eating it with whipped cream later. But until now, this will do."

Suga pressed her lips against mine again and worked her fingers effortlessly to make me cum. She walked off winking, sucking me off her fingers. I took a moment and cooled down before cleaning up with the wipes I kept in the truck.

I decided to head over to grab something for Nika and I to munch on for the hour's drive back to the house. I got some sliders and fries and was halfway home when Nika woke up. I offered her food but she declined with a small head shake. She quietly looked out the window and I continued to listen to the Crime podcast I had on. It ended as I pulled up to our gates. I was surprised to see Solange waiting to pull in but opened the gates and let her in and I went in behind her. I parked and grabbed my purse and stuff getting out. I walked over to Nika's door and helped her out and she quickly went in avoiding eye contact with Solange.

In the house, I washed my hands as Solange sat at the kitchen bar. I excused myself for a moment to check on Nika. She was coming out her bathroom as I went into her room. I helped her get undressed and put her in a t-shirt and pajama shorts. She curled up in her bed with her fuzzy blanket and I offered her food or water and she shook her 'No' and closed her eyes.

I nod, putting her TV on and closing her door. Walking back to Solange she was texting on her phone still sitting at the bar. I walked over to the other side and spoke.

"So, What's up?"

"Well, I came to see you because I want you to talk to Mom."


"Respecting my relationship with Coi. We're in therapy and are making incredible progress."

"...That's good. But what does Mom have to do with this?"

"Mom and Dad are treating Coi coldly. She doesn't come over to my house and Dad isn't sending Coi her 'grandbaby' money anymore. It's not fair, they're treating Nicki better than Coi because she can't handle being around you right now. She's finally feeling better from getting jumped at the bowling alley, you and your wives didn't even come by to bring her 'Get well' balloons or chocolates or a card!"

"Solange, stop yelling. You said you wanted us to back off and we did. We make sure you and Coi aren't there when we visit Mom and Dad and I have never heard of 'grandbaby' money. Dad doesn't give Nika anything outside of the small gifts Mom gets her once in a while. Truly, you need to talk to Mom."

"I talked to Mom and Dad, but they just cut me short and told me that they were upset about the choice we made."

"I don't know what to tell you Solange. But Mom's not going to go for having two Christmases and two New Years."

"Nicki's birthday?"

"She doesn't want a party anymore."

"Don't blame me for that."

"I'm not, but dinner and cake at my Mom's house was always the plan but you would be missed."

"And not Coi?"

"Nika and Coi aren't close Solange, you know that."

"Because you pamper her and keep her from getting to know new people."

"That's not true and you know it. Nika's shy plus she's been through a lot."

"Beyonce the hero." Solange says with a slow clap. "I can see why you swooped on her, a damaged Little, damn near a mental patient and you can get her to do whatever you want."

"You need to leave my house if you value your face." I reply sternly clutching the counter. "One of my wives might show restraint but I haven't cut a bitch face in ages."

"WHAT!" Solange yelled.

After a few tense moments Solange stood and I heard tiny feet shuffle around the corner. Nika ran around and stood in front of me, grabbing me in a hug.

"Don't...fight." Nika said in a small voice.

The heat that had been building in my body lessened and I took a few deep breaths. Solange was trying my patience. I was pissed since we decided as wives not to tell her what Coi did and luckily Coi was so drunk she thought she got jumped by some bitches at the bowling alley that night. Coi violated my body and took my Baby's milk. I didn't want Nika to have to relive it telling it to the police and I wasn't pressing charges, so I let it go. That was her one and only pass from me, so Solange was really pressing my buttons right now.

I could feel Nika's heart racing as Solange collected her keys and left out. I went behind her to lock the door and opened the gate to let her out. After it closed, I went back to check on Nika but she had left the kitchen. I went up to her room and she was sitting on her bed watching TV. I walked into my room and quickly stripped before taking a quick shower and putting on underwear and my robe. My breasts were aching and full and I was beginning to drip milk on the way back to Nika's room. She looked at me walking in and quickly moved over in bed. I laid next to her and quickly felt her warm little body squish into me. After an hour I was completely empty and was waking up from the nap I fell into. Nika was still suckling while holding my other breast with her eyes closed. My raked my nails up her thigh and leg that was hooked over my hip. My phone chimed and I looked at it and saw that it was Solange texting me.

-'Make it right with Mom and Dad for Coi. Your Little isn't the only Little in the family anymore. You have two days.'


excuse all errors!



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