Vacation 3

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Nika's POV:

"I was playing in the...barn... and I fell." I reply looking down at my sandals. I was covered in dust, hay, and grass stains so it was believable.

It was a lie, and I felt bad for lying but sometimes a lie needs to be told. My whole body hurt, more so my backside and my arm that had been twisted around my back by force. My stomach ached as well, and I was two seconds away from just lying on the ground and crying my eyes out. It had been a horrible morning.



I was feeling better from my cold but couldn't shake the coughing fits that I would get every time I blew my nose or sneezed. Mama said it was probably allergies since hers were acting up too. After Daddy got me ready for the day, I was resigned to just staying my room watching TV or coloring, but Coi came in and sat with me and wanted me to play dolls and make bracelets with the little kit that Mama gave her when she first met her. We did that until breakfast, and I was admiring the cute beaded bracelet that Coi gave me saying she wanted to be 'Sisses' together, when Mimi T came in. She spoke to everyone, and I noticed her make a face at me when I looked up at her. I looked at my plate that was put in front of me and saw the egg whites, fruit, and biscuit. I carefully ate and had half my orange juice and was full. Mama offered me more fruit and I shook my head 'No'. I heard Mimi T mutter something under her breath before telling Coi that she had such a good appetite. Coi had eaten seconds and was having another helping of shrimp and grits. I normally love shrimp and grits but only when Mama made it, she seasoned it correctly but breakfast was ordered from a restaurant this morning.

Daddy rubbed my thigh and told me that I was excused and I left the table. I went upstairs and brushed my teeth and laid down coughing into some Kleenex. I rested for awhile until it was time to go to Target. We all went together and since they were picking up stuff for the party, everyone was pretty distracted leaving Coi and Me in the toy aisle for a moment. Coi was holding a giant Ariel Squishmellow and I was jealous that she saw it before I did and it was the only one. I asked Coi if I could have it and she said 'No'. I pouted asking again as Mimi T walked up behind me. I started to get a little upset when I felt a sharp swat to the butt.

"Naughty! We don't act like that Nika." Mimi T said quickly.

I bit my lip and quickly apologized to Coi. Mimi T walked us over to electronics where she promptly paid for the toy telling Coi she deserved it since she was 'good' and 'listened' verses me who was 'stubborn' and 'clingy'. I walked off in search of Daddy and remembered what happened Rihmeek and was frozen. I felt sick and closed my eyes tight telling myself that I was 'okay' and that he couldn't hurt me. Dr. Aiko told me I had 'PTSD' from things my parents did and situations I'd been in with Lauren and Rihmeek. I've been taking a medication that helped but Mimi T was triggering me too much that it wasn't working like it should.

I managed to calm down and found Mommy looking at the bras. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and she held me and walked me over to the dressing rooms. We went into the big one and she comfort nursed me. Thankfully the dressing room had a long bench and it felt good to rest. Mommy rubbed my cheek that still was wet from some latent tears and spoke quietly.

"Shh! It's okay, Don't think about what happened. Just focus on now, you're safe and I love you."

After having all of my milk I was ready for a nap. We left the dressing room and went to the limo. Soon everyone else came and got in and we left. Back at the Estate, Aunt Solo took Coi for her nap and everyone else started decorating. I walked outside and went to the big barn and found the bubbles that Coi was playing with and sat in the loft to play and color on the wooden scaffold. A lot of time when by and I enjoyed the quiet but the hay in the barn was beginning to make me sneeze and cough more. I carefully came down the ladder and was face to face with Mimi T.

"What did you say?"


"You misbehaved and you can get disciplined! You sorely lack it. Coi is new to the family and trying to manipulate her is wrong! It was her toy and she didn't have to give it her. I love you and want what's best for you Nika."

"You're not my Mommy!" I scream before covering my mouth.

Tina lunged at me and grabbed my left arm using it to pin me over a small stack of wood. Tina pull a beast of a stick from the pile and proceeded to spank me with it. I was so stunned, I couldn't even cry, I couldn't scream, over even move. She was screaming at me for being a disrespectful, gold digging bitch and some other things that I didn't hear since my allergies finally took over my ears became itchy and my throat. Tina stopped after a few good swats and let me go. I rolled off the wood pile, pain radiating all over my body. I didn't understand, Tina had always liked me, I didn't understand why the sudden change. She left out and I took time to get myself together. I washed my hands in the utility sink and my face. My clothes were ruined but I had been rolling around while coloring so it could be explained. Walking into the house, Mommy came over to me and asked what happened.


(end of flashback)

Mommy rubbed my cheek and said she'd get me cleaned up. Mama followed us and drew a bath for me, and Mommy started to help me out of my dress but I stopped her.


"You...don't want us to help you get clean?" Mommy asked.

I nod.

"Okay, I'll grab you some clothes Bookie." Mama said leaving out.

Mommy pulled me into a hug, and it hurt but I didn't pull away. I knew she wanted to do our normal routine, but I didn't want to have to lie again.

"Take your time, we'll be in the other room, okay? Call for me if you need something." Mommy said quietly before leaving out.

I locked the door and took my clothes off and put them in the hamper. I slipped into the hot water and quietly groaned. It hurt.

After a long soak and washing off. I drained the water and turned on the shower and washed my hair. I dried off and put on lotion. I got dressed in the pajama tank top and pants that Mama left for me. I needed my hair blown out and hated doing it myself but luckily Mommy came in with a hairdryer and brush.

She blow dried my hair for me as Daddy came in with lunch on a tray. I didn't want anything so Daddy put the tray on the table. Mama walked in and started to make some off the cuff banter but I wasn't really paying attention. Honestly outside of the hairdryer I couldn't hear anything. Soon my hair was dry, scalp oiled, and it was braided into two braids down my back with my head scarf tied on it. Not wanting to be a party pooper, I told them to continue with their plans tonight. Aunt Solo was having a big party with family and friends at the Estate.

Surprisingly, they all said they wanted to make sure I was okay and that they wanted to stay with me for a while which made me feel guilty. There was a knock on the door and Aunt Solo popped her head saying she needed them and closed the door. I yawned and Mommy told everyone to go and that she'd be down in a moment prompting them to leave. Mommy rubbed my cheek and laid down with me. She lovingly wrapped her arm around me and looked at me.

Mommy kissed my forehead before putting the back of her hand against it and speaking quietly.

"Just slightly warm, probably from that hot bath huh? Let's get you both your medications."

Mommy left and came back with my cold medication and the medication for my PTSD. Luckily, they didn't interfere with each other, so I didn't have to worry about stopping it. After taking both and then having a few nice gulps of milk behind it, Mommy gave me my pacifier and I fell asleep.


excuse all errors!


(don't worry the vacation will be wrapped up soon.)


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