Making Plans 2

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Suga's POV:

I was finishing plating up dinner with a little body next to me. It was so sweet. She never was clingy toward me, so I was loving the change. After finishing putting everything on the table, I turned and put her on the counter. She looked surprised and grinned as I tickled her sides and before I wrapped my arms around her waist. I started to pepper her neck in kisses before stopping and rubbing her back. I told her I loved her and was here to talk if she wanted. She nodded and I gave her a kiss on the forehead, and she spoke quietly.

"Did you have a wedding Mama?"

"Oh, I did Bookie. I wanted something big, and fancy and Rob and Beyonce did that for me. But I also have a big family and wanted to have a big Texas style wedding and we did."

"Oh...that must be nice."

"It was. I know that you don't have many people you would probably want to come to the wedding ceremony. Having some small would be really nice too."

"You think so?"

"Of course! I've been to some small weddings that were amazing."

"Even a small dinner?"

"Yes, even a small dinner can be amazing. It's your ceremony and what you want. We just want you to be comfortable and to enjoy it, the day is about you first and then us."

I gave Nika a hug and helped her down. She sat and I got her plate ready as Rob and Beyonce came in. We sat for dinner and they talked about their day as we ate. Nika surprised me and sat in my lap giving me her little pink fork so I could feed her. Peaches and Rob grinned watching the interaction and I was happy, I'd been wanting to do more caregiver stuff with her so I was very pleased.

After dinner, I took Nika to clean off and brought her back to the table for desserts. I had brought mini tea cakes from the bakery. I put the box on the table and Peaches and Rob had one while Nika sat rubbing her stomach.

"Tummy hurt Bookie?"

Nika nodded and spoke quietly.

"Is it bad...that I want Lauren to come?"

"Come to your ceremony Baby? It's your day if you want her to come then I understand but you also have to think about what she's done recently. She hasn't been a good friend to you. She almost got you locked up and then she came and demanded money from you." Rob said firmly.

Nika nodded and sniffled and it broke my heart. I reached over and put my hand on her thigh and rubbed it.

"I don't want my Dad to come but...I still like my Mom so she could come alone. I don't want a bunch of people there that I don't know. Maybe just all our Mom's and Dad's? Aunty Solo and Coi and Aunty Mel."

"Sure Nika, we can do that." Peaches said writing on a steno pad she pulled from behind her in the cabinet.

"Can everyone wear pink and silver and I want vanilla cupcakes." Nika added still maintaining her quiet tone.

"Uh-huh." Peaches said writing.

"A small lunch with little sandwiches and tea cakes."

We all grinned and Nika sat in my lap and started to tell us more of what she wanted. It was pretty simple stuff. She wanted a pink dress and didn't want Rob to spend too much money since it was just a few people. I felt bad honestly knowing that if things weren't like this Nika would want a big to do like I had. Rob did tell her we were going to all go on a nice week long vacation after though. 

We were finishing up talking when Nika said she changed her mind and didn't want anything anymore. I was confused but Nika quickly said that she changed her mind and didn't want to do it. She said having it on paper was enough for her and excused herself to her room.

Peaches looked disappointed and spoke quietly.

"She clearly wants a little something, why would she flip like that?"

"I'll talk to her." Rob said getting up and going upstairs.

I looked at Peaches and grab her hand, holding it.

"She'll be okay. She's still a Baby, 19, she's going through a lot."

"I know Suga, I just want her to be happy."

"I know you do, you're a good Mommy."

I kiss the back of Peaches hand and we clean up. I stepped outside to look at the night sky with half of the blunt I had saved from the other night when I felt Peaches wrap her arm around my waist. Peaches looked up at the beautiful night sky and we stood in silence before I walked her over to the trampoline. We lay on it smoking before finishing up. Rolling over on top of her, we shared a kiss and proceeded to have sex on the trampoline. It was quickly one of my favorite non sex, sex toys in the house. The give of the bouncy material made it easier to fuck on Peaches and clean up was a breeze as our juices just ran through the tiny perforations of the fabric. Content with our orgasm high, I sprayed down the trampoline and we went inside. Inside, we took a shower in the downstairs bathroom and went up to change.

After putting on pajamas we went to check on Nika who was wrapped around Rob on her bed quietly still sniffling. I sat next to Rob and gave her the pacifier I brought her she happily took it and calmed down. We went back to our bed and Nika laid on top of me for a while before settling next to Peaches to latch on to sleep. In the dark, I heard Rob whisper.

"Buy my Baby a new outdoor toy, you two having sex on it has made her not like it anymore."

Peaches and I laughed, and I spoke.

"Okay Rob, we'll get the Baby something she'll use that'll be all hers."

I kiss Nika's shoulder and fall asleep listening to Peaches quietly sing to her.


excuse all errors!



4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now