Chapter one

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I was walking through the hallway to my French class. I can't believe I'm a senior now. Some first years are running through the hallway, almost bumping into me.

Time goes so fast. It seems like yesterday when I was walking into River High school for the very first time.

My high school was pretty ordinary. You had the odd teachers and students but the rest of the student body was friendly and nice.

This year wasn't going to be like other years. I am in a different class then Kayla, Brooke and Lydia this year. I am going to miss them. I was also placed in a terror class with my worst enemy: Sebastian. I don't want to think about him.

I saw my friends Kayla, Brooke and Lydia sitting at a table. Through the school were all sorts of tables and chairs where you could sit during lunch.

"OMG Rachel, so good to see you. How was your summer?" Brooke asked me. Brooke had brown hair and blue eyes. She already knew what she wanted to be when she left school. She was going to be an elementary school teacher.

I didn't know what I wanted to do when I left school.

All these people already knew what they wanted to be and I was left here all alone. I guess I am just not like other girls.

"My summer was okay. Not that special" I told the girls. Except for that very cute boy at the camping. We had such an amazing connection.

This summer I went to France. We were staying at a campsite where I met this boy, Flynn. We were in the same friend group. One evening we went to the woods together, where I thought that he would kiss me. Unfortunately, he didn't. I was heartbroken at the time.

I grimace a little when I think of Flynn.

The girls didn't know about that because I don't want to share him with anyone.

"My summer was also fine. Me and Brooke just mostly played video games" Kayla told me. Kayla and Brooke always played games together. They had this one internet friend called Jordan but he stopped talking to them.

Kayla wanted to join the army after high school. She was taking a gab year in the mean time. Kayla has blonde hair and blue eyes.

"This is so weird" Lydia muttered under her breath.

"Agreed" said Brooke. It just feels so odd that this is going to be our last first day of high school.

The bell buzzed and I guess it was time for our new classes.

We all stood up and grabbed our backpacks off the floor. We walked towards our classes and then we all split up. We agreed to lunch together during the break.

I walked towards my new class feeling dread in my stomach. I walked into class and I was stricken.

There was this handsome boy sitting in front of the class. He was wearing some weird clothes. He was a Colbert.

He had green eyes and red hair. Wow, I am a little surprised. I blush a little even though I can't see his face. He was sitting with his back towards me.

But then he turned towards me and I can't believe my eyes.

"Rachel, what the fuck are you doing here?" my archnemesis Sebastian asked me in an annoyed voice. I don't even know why he hates me so much.

Sebastian was one of the most popular kids in the school.

"Sebastian, good to see you again" I said with a sneer. I walked past him, making sure I bumped into him with my shoulder. But I made a huge mistake.

I was walking a little too fast and I lost my balance. I fell and I scraped my knee against the floor. I called out in pain. My knee was hurting so bad.

The teacher walked into class at this moment. "Rachel, are you okay?" he asked me.

I couldn't form sentences. Tears were gathering in my eyes and my knee was stinging. I felt little drops of blood falling to the floor. I looked down at my knee and there was blood everywhere.

I can't believe it. Why can't I act normal for once? Especially in front of my new classmates.

"Sebastian, you go with Rachel to the nurses office" Ms. Hackett said. Sebastian ground loudly. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm.

"C'mon let get this over with" he said in his deep voice sending me shivers all over my body.

He put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. My knee was still hurting so I couldn't walk properly. Luckily Sebastian helped me walking to the nurses office.

I felt the warmth of his body through my clothes. Why was I feeling this way?

"Can you stop breathing so damn loud. You sound like a sheep" he said to me in coldly. Why did he always have to be such an asshole.

I pushed his arm away and started walking to the nurse. Except that I almost fell for the second time today.

"What are you doing? You can't even walk properly" Sebastian asked me. His blue eyes were looking at me intensely. I didn't feel comfortable under his intense gaze.

"Leave me alone" I said with a trembling voice. My knee was really killing me right now. I was determined not to cry in front of Sebastian.

"Why do you always have to be so damn stubborn?" Sebastian asked me. He was walking behind me while I was limping towards the nurses office.

I ignored him and just kept walking. Eventually the foot steps stopped and I looked over my shoulder. I saw Sebastian standing there talking to his girlfriend: Alina.

I rolled my eyes and headed to the nurses office with my bloody knee.

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