Chapter twenty-one

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How did I ever trust someone who is such an idiot with something so important?

My thoughts were entirely somewhere else while the police officer, Pete, was telling me about the murder against parents. They probably thought that I was in shock and that I needed some time to process this.

The only thing that I was really shocked about was how badly Jim had buried the bodies.

"We know that your parents bodies have been found at the industrial area next to a popular path for joggers. The time that your parents were found was 20:09 by a classmate" Pete said with a robotic voice.

Even if I were sad about the death of my parents then Pete wouldn't have made this experience any better.

"Who found them?" I asked Pete. My voice trembled a little bit and I squinted to make my eyes a little wet. The police have to see me as this innocent and heartbroken girl.

"Kayla Vadala found them last night when she went for a run" Pete told me. His voice was a little softer now and he also started talking a little less robotic.

I didn't know Kayla that well but I felt bad for her. Even though this totally sucks for me, it is probably hard finding someone who is dead on the side of the street.

This all never would have happened if Jim knew how to burry a body.

After Pete made sure that I was okay, he started talking more about the investigation going on.

"We have suspicions that your parents were murdered regarding the stab wounds in their chest" he told me.

The knife I used was somewhere downstairs in the drawer. I didn't think that I would need to get rid of the knife since I counted on my parents bodies never being found.

I guess life doesn't always work out like you thought it would.

"We are currently busy with asking classmates about their time and death of the murder. We have reasons to believe that the murderer goes to school at River Highschool" he told me.

I started sweating a little bit. Would this mean that they would also have to investigate me?

"Why do you think it is someone from River Highschool?" I asked him in a soft voice.

I can't make it seem like I am too invested in the murder but I also can't be cold about what happened to my parents.

Luckily, Pete didn't suspect anything.

"I can't tell you that" he told me in a stern voice. His eyes looked like he wanted to tell me but he couldn't. Pete acted all tough but I think that he is a real softie once you get to know him.

I turned away from Pete and started walking upstairs.

I made sure to hunch my shoulders and occasionally wipe my cheeks when I was walking up the stairs.

Once I was in my room I lay down on my bed. All this lying and fake acting sad was very tiring and not at all enjoyable. This whole situation was giving me a headache.

There was one person I needed to talk to right now.

I grabbed my phone and searched till I found his contact. I pressed call and waited till he picked up his phone.

"Look I know that this seems bad but I promise that I didn't do anything" Jim says when he picked up the phone.

"Bro, I trusted you with one thing and you managed to fuck this up" I told him angrily. I cant believe that I trusted him.

"Look I don't know how someone could have found the bodies since they are buried under cement" he told me in an exasperated voice.

"I don't see how anyone would go digging in cement in their free time in an abandoned area" Jim said. I could practically feel him rolling his eyes while talking.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Kayla didn't find the body under cement" I told him.

There was a silence that lasted a couple of seconds.

"Did the police tell you where they found the body?" Jim said in a concerned voice. I don't know why he would want that information when he obviously knew where he buried the body.

"Kayla found the body next to a path in the industrial area" I told Jim in a tired voice. Why was he acting so weird all of a sudden.

Not that he wasn't weird before he started helping me by burying my parents.

"Okay, Cassandra, this is going to sound very weird but I didn't bury the bodies their. I buried them near the cemetery" Jim told me.

"Do you know what this means?" I told Jim in a quiet voice. This whole ordeal was really freaking me out right now.

"Someone has moved the bodies" I whispered.

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