Chapter sixteen

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I looked at these losers that are now my math buddies.

I just couldn't stand the sight of Rachel and Brooke. I just didn't like them. They were so stuck up.

The only good thing about this math project that I get to work with Jimin.

I just think that it is very odd that no one thinks it's weird that an international K-pop star is now in our math class.

Oh well.

I looked at Jimin with his flawless hair and I saw that he was stargazing at Rachel.

I rolled my eyes. I swear to god, Rachel is just trying to make any boy fall in love with her.

It just sucks that every time I like someone Rachel just has to swoop in.

First Noah, then Sebastian and now Jimin.

Give a girl a chance to make an impression.

Rachel is like an octopus bringing all the different boys close to her.

I looked around the table at my new project buddies.

Noah was looking with jealousy at Rachel and Jimin talking to each other. It is time for Noah to move on from Rachel.

Everybody, except Rachel of course, knows that Noah has this huge crush on Rachel since freshman year.

Brooke was reading the news on her phone but she looked like she'd rather be anywhere else then here.

"So, when should we meet up to work on this project?" Noah asked loudly. He was clearly trying to interrupt this private conversation between Rachel and Jimin.

"We can meet at my house at four" I told the group.

It was no big deal that they would come to my house, there was no one home anyway. There wouldn't be anyone there except me for a long time.

They all looked startled that I had spoken. Were these people always this dramatic, oh my god?

"That's fine" Rachel said suspiciously. Her eyes darted between Noah, Jimin and Brooke to see how they would react.

"Sure, why not?" Jimin said while he combed a hand through his hair.

His jet black hair had that perfect messy style.

I stood up from my chair and walked out of the classroom. The bell hasn't gone yet and the teacher looked like he might protest but decided against it.

I walked to room 101 needing to talk to one of my better acquaintances in this school since I didn't have any friends to confide to.

That's the way I like it, I tell myself.

I don't need anyone except myself.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in" Jim said loudly from the other side of the door.

I opened the door and I walked into his office. It was the same layout except in the corner were some been bags and pillows that weren't there before.

I guess he wanted a change in décor since the wall was painted in a bright blue.

"Hey Cassandra, how are you?" Jimin asked nervously while he pushed his hands

Jim was wearing a red blouse and some blue jeans. He had blue glasses that were a little too big for his nose.

I walked into his office and I felt my breaths becoming heavier.

"I need to confess something" I told him.

Jim smiled. "That's okay. This is a safe environment for everyone."

I didn't think that Jim was ever going to expect something like this.

But there was no holding back now.

I couldn't keep this secret to myself forever.

"I killed my parents" I told him.

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