Chapter seven

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This officially meant that I was desperate. I scoffed at myself for being so pathetic. I can't believe that I am actually doing this.

I knocked on the door once. I was met with silence so I decided to knock again. My hand went up to knock the door a second time but then the door opened.

Jim opened the door and he looked shocked that someone had actually visited him.

Jim was one of the nerdy kids in the school. He wanted to be a psychologist. He started his own clinic last fall.

There was this classroom that was never used for lessons. This was Jim's official office where he met people who he helped.

There was something so notorious about classroom 101.

Jim could help you with any problem. He helped with family, friend and relationship advice. He was more of a counsellor now than a psychologist.

I just whished that he could help me today.

I walked into classroom 101 and looked around. Jim has transformed the classroom to his own personal office.

The chairs and desk were pressed against the walls. In the middle of the classroom stood two big, comfy chairs. There was a little table next to one of the chairs. On the table was a notepad with a pencil on top.

"Hey, are you lost?" Jim asked me with a red face.

I don't know why he would assume that I was lost.

"Uhm, no. I came here for advice" I told him with blushing cheeks. This was really embarrassing to admit out loud.

Jim looked shocked. He stood there looking lost in his own office for a minute and then there was a big smile forming on his face.

"Welcome to my office. I would love to help you with your problems" he told me with a big smile.

I liked that he was so excited to help me. I wondered if he was this excited and shocked with all his clients.

"Can I make notes throughout our session for future references?" Jim asked me in a serious voice.

I nodded my head.

He turned from excited and happy puppy to serious psychologist in a couple of seconds.

I guess that this was my first ever session with Jim.

"So what brings Kayla Vadala to my office?" he asked me with nervously. You would think that this is the first time that Jim has ever given advice to anyone.

"Well, its complicated" I told Jim. I let out a big sigh.

"Matters of the heart usually are" Jim told me. That sounded familiar to me. Maybe he got that quote from a movie or book.

"I am here for relationship advice" I told him. He was writing in his notebook with his pencil. When I stopped talking he looked at me like he wanted me to continue.

"I have an online boyfriend, but he may be a catfish" I told him. Jim looked at me with surprise like this was the last thing he expected me to say.

"Why do you think he is a catfish?" he asked me. He looked really intrigued by my story.

I signed and thought about the past few weeks.

"Well, I asked him to face time with me and he said his phone camera was broken. I also couldn't find any other social media accounts with his name" I told Jim.

I know this made me sound like a fool but I really like Adam.

I met him a few weeks ago when I was playing this battle app.

Me and Brooke have played Roblox with him.

Brooke is suspicious of him. His recent behaviour hasn't changed anything about that. She was actually the one that encouraged me to talk to someone about this problem.

Brooke and me have seen a ton of the show called 'Catfish'. So we know all the signs of someone being a catfish.

We always made fun of the people there because of their ignorance and stupidity but now I was one of these people.

I just wanted to give Adam the benefit of the doubt.

Brooke told me to just stop talking to him but I cant do that. I am too emotionally invested in this relationship.

"Wow, that are some suspicious red flags" Jim told me with concern etched on his face.

"I know" I groaned. This wasn't looking good.

"Can you give me his user names and all his personal information. We are going to figure this out" Jim told me with a confidence.

Wow, this was surprising.

Did I really want to find out who this was this badly?

I decided, yes I was this desperate.

"Okay let's do this" I told Jim with thisexcited new energy flowing through my body.

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