Chapter three

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I felt really guilty about my confrontation with Sebastian. I know that I shouldn't have said something so heartless to him about his father. I felt like a monster since our town was being shady to his mother about this.

The town still gossiped about Sebastian's father leaving to this day. It was really hard on his mother. She didn't leave her house for several weeks. Eventually, she got over it.

The town's people still judged her for his father's mistake. Which was really unfair since he was the asshole in this situation.

My mother noticed my silence.

"Are you okay?" she asked me in a concerned voice. My mother was really caring, but I didn't want to confide in her.

I didn't want her to look at me like Sebastian did today.

"Nothing, mom" I said to her in a smile that didn't reach my eyes.

The next day at school I was determined to apologize to Sebastian even though I knew it was going to be hard.

I didn't see him all morning.

The bell rung signalling it was time for the lunch break. My eyes travelled to all the people sitting in the hallways and the cafeteria, but I couldn't find those rich blue greenish eyes.

I did see his best friend Noah sitting at one of the tables. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He was considered popular and attractive. He already had a girlfriend which most girls in our grade found very annoying.

He was also a player such as Sebastian.

I walked to Noah's group. He looked at me surprised.

"Do you know where Sebastian is?" I asked him. I didn't pay attention to the people looking at us and trying to hear our conversation.

Noah looked at me with suspicion.

"Why do you want to know, Waters?" he asked me. I rolled my eyes. Why was he so insistent with calling me by my last name?

It made me think that Noah didn't like me very much. Even though I didn't do anything shady or wrong towards him.

"No reason" I said quickly. This didn't help because Noah stared at me. He didn't look like he wanted to help me at all.

"And why would I help you?" Noah said. He put his hands behind his head. He did that weird bro stance that all the boys did when they wanted to seem intimidating.

I rolled my eyes at his poor efforts.

"Look if you don't want to help me, then just say no" I told him. I was done playing these stupid games.

"Just go, Waters. You have done enough damage to Sebastian already" Noah said while he turned his back to me.

What was his deal? What did he mean when he said I have already hurt Sebastian?

This whole day makes no sense to me.

I walked to the table where my friends where already chatting with each other.

"Guys, listen. Me and Kayla gamed with this really nice dude yesterday" Brooke told us in an excited voice. Kayla and Brooke were always gaming together. They mainly played Roblox or 'among us'.

"Oh really, how did you meet him?" Lydia asked intrigued by their story.

"I met him through another video game. We quickly became friends. Yesterday was the first time that me, Brooke and our friend, Adam played together" Kayla explained.

"Oh my god, that is such a cool story" Lydia said. She also had loads of online friends from various games.

"He still could be a catfish" Brooke said. She has seen tons of reality tv over the years, but catfish was still her favourite.

"He isn't a catfish" Kayla said while rolling her eyes.

"How do you know that for certain?" Brooke asked.

"Because we face timed while playing an app" Kayla said.

Brooke started arguing about the dangers, but I wasn't listening anymore. Someone had caught my eye.

Sebastian walked into the cafeteria. He was wearing a black Colbert.

His girlfriend was by his side. She was doing all giddy and talking to Sebastian. It was clear from his expression that he wasn't interested in anything she had to say.

It was disgusting really. Why did he even have a girlfriend if he wasn't interested in her?

Sebastian walked to Noah and they did a kind of bro hug thing.

I didn't notice I was staring till Sebastian looked at me with his tense eyes. My heart started pounding louder and harder.

He looked at me with a hard expression. I was expected a remark or that he would start teasing me any moment now.

None of that happened though.

He looked at his girlfriend and started kissing her roughly. I didn't know why but I felt an uneasy feeling in my chest.

I looked away.

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