Chapter ten

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As soon as I heard footsteps running away from us, I pushed Sebastian away from me.

He looked surprised that I had interrupted our kiss. I wasn't actually interested in him. He had zero personality except that he played football and was popular.

"You can help yourself now" I said to him. He didn't say anything while I walked away.

I just wanted to annoy Rachel by kissing Sebastian. I thought Rachel was trying too hard to be perfect.

She was the girl next door type. Also Rachel was playing with hearts. There were two boys that really liked her and she had zero regards for their feelings.

If I didn't know what type of person Rachel was, then I would think that she didn't know that both of the boys liked her.

I walked into my new room, ready to just wait here till the party died down.

I sat on my bed and started texting friends. I didn't feel like responding to some of them so I just ignored half of my texts.

People were just so annoying.

I started to open YouTube but then someone screamed. The person was definitely near me. I looked around my room.

There was only one place the person could be hiding right now.

Why was there someone in my bathroom?

Oh my god, was this the way I was going to die? I have watched lost of horror movies lately. I didn't know what to do right now.

I decided to just look who the person was and then I would take action from that point.

I opened the door and sitting on my bathroom floor was the last person that I expected.

Jim Brandon was sitting on my bathroom floor.

He was playing some game only nerds play.

"Oh hey, I didn't see you there" he said to me. Why was Jim acting like this was his house and his room?

"Uhm hi" I said uncertain. My voice trembled a little bit. What was happening to me, my voice didn't tremble.

Luckily, Jim didn't notice or he was ignoring it.

I don't know what possessed me but I walked to Jim and sat down next to him. Was this my life right now?

Jim didn't even look up from his phone. He was staring intensely at the screen.

I almost asked him what he was playing but then I remembered that I didn't really care.

We sat there for a few seconds in silence. Neither of us knew what to say to the other. We were just such different people.

Then all of a sudden Jim turned off his phone and he turned to me.

"So why is the infamous Cassandra hiding in the bathroom at her own party?" he asked me in a curious voice.

Why did he think that I was going to tell him? I stared at him for a few seconds not saying anything.

But fuck it, who was going to believe anything he said anyway?

"I don't want to deal with people right now" I told him. He looked surprised that I had actually answered him.

"Relatable" he said while laughing a little.

You know in this lighting he didn't seem that bad. He actually looked cute if you looked closely.

Sure he had ordinary brown hair but he had those really caramel brown eyes.

Why was I thinking about Jim's appearance?

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

He shrugged and didn't answer. We sat in silence again and then I heard someone sniffling beside me.

"My parents don't care about me" he told me while trying not to show his tears.

His voice broke halfway through the sentence.

Oh my god, I didn't want to deal with this right now.

I didn't know how to comfort people. I was usually the one that made them bawl their eyes out.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked him. He turned his face away from me and his hands stopped shaking a few moments after that.

"it doesn't matter anyway. Parents are overrated" I told him in a soft voice.

His head snapped my way. We looked at each other with mutual understanding.

I didn't know how and why I ended up on a bathroom floor with Jim but somehow I didn't mind it that much.

Especially, if I got to look at his deep brown eyes.

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