Chapter twelve

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I felt a blush rise to my cheeks. The most handsome man on this earth just winked at me. I didn't feel so steady anymore on my feet.

I felt the heat of Noah's gaze on me.

I looked to my side. His bright blue-green eyes looked at me with an intensity that I couldn't ignore. I didn't know that Noah's stare could be so hypnotizing.

I couldn't look away from his beautiful eyes. I saw the sprinkle of freckles on his nose. I could only see Noah and no one else.

I heard BTS starting a new song. Even J-Hope's voice couldn't distract me from the boy standing in front of me.

Noah moved his head a little closer to mine.

But then, Brooke cheered and threw her arm around my shoulder. She interrupted this thing between Noah and me.

"Isn't this amazing?" she said to us in an excited voice.

"It sure is" Noah said while looking at me.

We all looked at BTS performance. I tried to ignore the annoyance that I was feeling that Brooke had interrupted that precious moment between me and Noah.

The crowd was wild tonight. Several people tried to crowd surf but one didn't quite work. His friends brought him in the air but then he fell to the ground.

That must have hurt a lot.

BTS sang phenomenal and they danced their heart out. It was just so nice to see all of this happening right before my eyes.

After BTS said their goodbyes to their fans, they went backstage again. People were free to stay here for a drink of head home.

Noah, Brooke and I decided to head home.

We walked to our lockers where we put our personal belongings before the concert started. We were talking loudly about the concert and how good it was, when a security guard walked towards us.

"Are you Rachel Waters?" he asked me while looking at my wild curls.

"Uhm, yes" I said nervously. Why was this security guard looking for me? I didn't do anything wrong that I know off.

"Jimin would like to talk to you backstage" the security guard told me.

This couldn't be true. This was the kind of stuff that you read in fanfiction about BTS. This wasn't stuff that happened in real life.

Except, that it was happening right now.

"OMG" Brooke said in an excited voice while letting out a squeal.

"You have to go and meet him" she told me while bouncing. Her brown hair was flying all over the place because of her excitement.

"But what about you guys?" I asked her. I didn't want to leave Brooke and Noah behind just because I got the chance to meet Jimin.

"Don't worry about us. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Noah and me will head somewhere to get a drink while you meet him. Right, Noah?" Brooke said while turning to him with a smile on her face.

Noah looked stiff and his jaw was rigid. His hands were almost white with how hard he was gripping his backpack. He almost looked angry.

"Sure" he said in a bored voice. I didn't believe for a second that this didn't effect him at all.

Since Noah didn't want to admit his true feeling, I also wasn't going to be considered of them.

"I would love to meet Jimin" I said to the security guard. He was wearing a suit. The name written on the name pin was Bob.

I waved Brooke and Noah goodbye while I followed the security guard to meet Jimin.

I couldn't believe that this was happening right now.

I pinched myself because this couldn't be anything other than a dream.

We walked through some hallway till we stopped in front of one of the doors. On the door was a star and the name written in the star was 'Jimin'.

I am at Jimin's changing room. Bob motioned for me to go inside first. I opened the door and I was hit with this really earthy and strong smelled perfume.

Bob walked inside once I was in the changing room. I guess popstars couldn't be alone without having a security guard around. The idea of someone being with you the whole time was very foreign concept to me.

Jimin was sitting in one of the chairs at the end of the changing room.

His black hair was styled to the side. His deep brown eyes were so mesmerizing that I forgot where I was. He wore a t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants.

When I got closer to Jimin, I could confirm that it was him who smelled so good.

"Hey Rachel" he said in his deep voice.

Why did international Korean pop star Jimin want anything to do with a loner like me?

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