Chapter two

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The rest of the day I walked with my sore knee to my classes. I cursed Sebastian in my head with his stupid clothes. I can't believe how arrogant that jerk is.

I was lost in my thoughts and then I felt someone bump into me. I felt some liquid dripping all over my brand new sweater. This couldn't be happening. Why was this my life?

I looked down at my new sweater and I felt tears well up in my eyes. I just bought this sweater and now it was ruined.

I looked up to the person that bumped into me. It was my ex, Tomas. We met during the summer at a camping and I was instantly taken by his charming smile.

I was so infatuated with Tomas. Even thinking about him those days, brought a smile to my face. But then I got the dooming text.

Tomas: We need to talk.

I felt a sense of dread reading that text. No, it couldn't be. We were a great couple.

I was in denial the rest of the day even though I knew what was really coming my way. I just didn't want to think about it.

We were standing in front of my doorstep the day he broke up with me. I was heartbroken and the tears were streaming down my face.

I couldn't think or do anything else the month after that. I wore clothes with depressing colours such as black and grey.

I listened to sad girl music. Meanwhile I cried myself to sleep every night. I have tried to forget Tomas but I still get flustered thinking about him and talking to him makes me even more nervous.

Okay, maybe I am not completely over him yet.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry" Tomas says while getting a pack of tissues. He grabbed one of the tissues and tried to clean my sweater. His fingers along my skin, brought butterflies to my stomach and my skin felt like it was on fire.

Why did he still have this effect on me even after all these months?

"It's okay" I said even though it really wasn't. Tomas just had that energy around him that made it hard to stay mad at him for long.

"I haven't seen you in forever. I missed you" Tomas said to me in a soft voice. He looked at me with his light brown eyes.

I wanted to say that I missed him too. Maybe things could still work out between us. I felt a sense of hope thrumming though my body.

Then the bell rung.

The moment was ruined and students walked through the doors and the hallway was packed. Tomas was already walked away.

I cursed myself for not reacting sooner. I don't know if there is going to be another moment to fix things between me and Tomas.

I walked to my last class of the day with a sense of dread: Maths with Ms. Jordan. She was by far my favourite teacher. She had brown hair and blue eyes. She had kind of a weird clothing style but nothing I couldn't handle.

I just couldn't seem to forget my conversation with Tomas and the feelings that he gave me after all this time.

I sat down at my assigned seat and desk. I let my bag fall to the floor and looked around the classroom for familiar faces.

I was one of those kids, who was just quiet during the lesson. I didn't like to talk in class and I also wasn't interested in what the teacher had to say.

I was mostly playing games on my laptop or chatting with my friends. I didn't know anyone in my maths class I realized after a while. Just before Ms. Jordan was going to close the door, someone walked into the classroom. Sebastian.

The class was fine and at the end of the lesson, Ms. Jordan put on some music. She always did this for a good vibe and to relax at the end of the school day.

And oh my god, she played the new album of BTS.

Jimin was dancing on screen now with a yellow suit. He was just so dreamy and charming. I really liked his soft looking hair and his intense eyes.

I leaned back into my chair and stared dreamily at the screen.

I forgot all about Tomas and my bandaged knee.

I felt a blush forming on my cheeks. I sort of had a crush on Jimin if you couldn't already tell.

"Stop drooling, it's embarrassing" Sebastian whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes.

My cheeks were also on fire right now. Why did he always have to harass and embarrass me in front of the class. I wasn't going to let him win this.

"You know what's embarrassing" I whispered back in a soft voice. Ms. Jordan was typing on her laptop and wasn't looking at what was happening during the lesson.

"What is it?" Sebastian asked me. He was kind of intrigued and was leaning a little bit forward. I could see his green-brown eyes looking at me. He had thick eyelashes.

Oh my god, this wasn't happening. I was not thinking about Sebastian's eyes. Ugh, I felt sick.

"Wearing a Colbert to school like you're the new president or something" I said. I felt like a bad ass for saying that to me. That didn't last long because he started laughing really hard.

"I feel so threatened" Sebastian said while laughing. He was started to attract attention. People were looking at us with an intrigued gaze.

This was the last straw.

I grabbed my backpack and said in a loud voice: "Just leave me alone. Just like your father did all those years ago to your family". I knew that was a low blow.

Sebastian had a hurt look in his eye before he turned his back to me.

I felt guilty for saying that but there was no turning back now.

I walked out of the classroom and made sure toclose the door loudly behind 

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