Chapter six

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I can't believe my eyes. There is no way that Noah is holding my love note to Sebastian. It's probably old homework or something like that.

That didn't even sound believable to me anymore.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him even though I most definitely know what he is talking about.

"You know damn well what I am talking about" he says while throwing the love note in my face. I look at the paper and it conforms my suspicions.

I can't even put a love note in the right locker.

I just want the ground to swallow me right now. Or go to bed and just never see sunlight again.

"I didn't think you were the type to write love letters, Waters" he told me with a scrutinizing face.

I don't even know why everyone thinks he is such a fun and friendly guy to be around.

"That wasn't meant for you" I told him.

"Then why was it in my locker?" Noah said while pointing to his chest. Okay, I get why that piece of information might seem confusing to someone.

I should have said "Hey, Sebastian" in the letter. Then I wouldn't have to spend my time dealing with this nonsense.

"I put it in the wrong locker" I said defensively wile throwing my hands in the air.

Noah looked at me and he suspiciously until he saw my defeated expression.

Then he did something that he has never done in my presence before.

He started laughing really loudly.

People were looking at us curiously since there was an unspoken rivalry between me and Noah. People were curious why we hated each other but I didn't even know why. Noah just disliked me for no reason at all.

"You have to be kidding me, Waters" he said to me. He was still laughing really loud. This made me feel like even more of an idiot.

I turned to leave, but then he said something that stopped me in my tracks.

"I wouldn't walk away from this conversation if I was you" he said in a low voice. Wait, is this really happening? Is Noah threatening me right now?

"Why?" I asked him in an exasperated voice.

"Because then the whole school will see this note plastered on the walls tomorrow morning" he said with a smirk on his face.

Oh my god.

"You wouldn't dare do that" I said to him trying to keep the tremble out of my voice.

If he did then my social life was over. I didn't have one to begin with but still.

"Oh, I definitely would" he said. I had to hold myself back trying not to wipe that ridiculous smirk of his face.

"But you will have to do something for me in return" he said.

Why did this sound like a trap?

Could I really trust someone like Noah?

"What is it?" I said to him. I don't trust him for obvious good reasons.

"You have to pretend to be my girlfriend till prom is over" he said to me. He looked directly into my eyes.

I didn't notice his stunningly blue eyes before. They had little specks of brown in them. They were kind of dreamy, but they couldn't compare to Sebastian's.

"Why do you need a fake girlfriend?" I asked him. Why would someone like Noah need a fake girlfriend? He was decently attractive and he was one of the popular jocks.

"That doesn't matter" he said to me. He sounded curt and strict. I wondered what he was hiding.

Why did he want someone to fake date him? There were enough girls waiting in line for a date or a chance with him. He was Sebastian's best friend


This could work.

I could already see how this would end for me. Sebastian and me walking up to the stage, ready to accept the crowns for prom king and queen.

Everyone would know me as Sebastian's girlfriend.

We would be happy together.

If I could use Noah to get Sebastian's attention, then this could be a gamechanger for me.

Was this mean and deceptive? Yes, but who really cared about Noah.

He hated me since the first time he saw me.

I didn't care about hurting people if that meant I was the one at Sebastian's side in the end then it would be worth it in the end.

"It's a deal" I told Noah in a cheerful voice. He looked at me surprised and with a little suspicion. He was probably wondering why I agreed so fast to his deal.

He shook his head.

"Okay, let's do this then" he said to me with confidence.

He reached his hand out for me to take it. I reached for his hand and it was really big.

His hand actually felt really nice. It was soft but also had a roughness to it.

The contact with his skin brought tingles all over my body. I decided to ignore that fact and not pay any attention to it.

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